Hi there,
I am so sorry to open another thread on this subject, but after going through all the troubleshooting forum & support docs, I’m still stuck with my core not connected / unresponsive!
After all the various tests I also rewrote the firmware over DFU, now at least after a factory reset the behaviour is as expected. Before reflashing even a factory reset was useless. After this reflash I managed to configure by usb the core (send SSID and password) a couple of times, but still no success…
My “default” LED situation - in which I’m stuck - when I power up my core is actually the current:
(> = next means next step in led sequence)
white (pulse) > green (Slow) > light blue (fast) > loop “orange” (? I see the red and the green leds flashing, seems orange) & random couple of white / light blue blinks.
I try both spark app & ticonfig app, no core found, the core seems stuck in the loop.
if I do a simple reset, restarts same as above (loop & no cores found)
If I do factory reset: green > white (pulse , fast) > blue (normal, not fast). Normal, I hope
If now I use spark app now > starts with steady blue > green flashing > loop of “orange” and white/ light blue random blinks, as above, of course “no cores found”
So again I’m stuck in the “default” LED configuration, unless I perform a factory reset again.
Wifi is WPA (tried also WEP and WPA2), AES encryption, channel 5. mode b&g mixed, router at 2 meters from the core, where Wifi usually works.
Is there anybody who can suggest me what to do before dropping definitively the core in my drawer?
Thanks since now to anybody who will help,