Flashing Blue and not connecting to a new network

Hello, all!

I’ve been having an issue with connecting my Core to a new Wi-Fi network. On my home network, I’m able to type in my credentials via the Tinker app and everything is dandy. However, I’ve moved to a new work location and all I get is the blue flashing LED on the Spark Core. Typing in the new wi-fi credentials has no effect on the core, and after a minute or so the app says “No Cores found”.

I’ve tried factory-resetting the core, to no avail. I’ve also looked around the forums, but it doesn’t seem to be too common an issue. Could anyone help me out with this?

Thanks a bunch in advance!

Maybe give the local setup via USB a try - spark-cli will be your friend!

After you’ve installed it, try to set the new WiFi credentials via
spark setup wifi

Good luck! :sunflower:


Brilliant, that worked! Thanks rasta :slight_smile: