Given one Chinese thread and occasional IRC conversations in Spanish, we would love help localizing Spark materials into other languages. If you are a community member looking for a way to be helpful, this may be your chance! Questions:
- Which resources do non-English speakers find most confusing?
- Which resources would non-English speakers find most helpful if translated?
Possible materials to translate:
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@zachary did you have them try google translate before?
Since our readme and the docs are in pretty clear simple english and most commands are Arduino-compatible. Reading them would not be too much of a hurdle.
I think the challenge comes from the conversation with question and answer
Good points @kennethlimcp. I’m not thinking really of any one specific question. Instead I want to make sure that Spark remains accessible to users all over the world in the long term. What if a user with very little English comes to our documentation and decides not to build on the Spark Core because he can’t read the docs? I would rather at least have some basic explanations to prevent frustration for such a user if possible.
Yup totally agree on this point. How would you like to get started? Time to do some chinese translation 
Personally, I think the getting started page would be most helpful:
True that! And for a start, the documentation on how to get the core connected for the 1st time and the troubleshooting.
At least they can get their
up and running with least fustration!
@zachary have you guys figured out how you would get the translation going and where would the community members send in their contributions?
Since the docs are in github, why don’t you make a zh
folder here:
Then create
inside that folder, translated to Chinese.
@zachary Let me give it a shot!
I had done some translation for Whatsapp in the past and getting the technical terms correct take a little practice 
Hope to see more community members helping with the translation!

@kennethlimcp I woould like (and I could) help with the Italian translation.
Please let me know how I can help.
@steve59 are you familiar with github? I’m also a new user to github but it’s manageable.
We need to see what @zachary says about the folder to hold the italian translation 
@Steve59 it sounds like ‘it’ is the representation for italian.
If you would give it a try:
Go to and click on ‘fork’ at the top right corner
You will have an exact copy of the docs.
What i did is to create a new branch called ‘zh’ for mine and ‘it’ for yours by clicking on 'branch: master: and enter ‘it’
With the new branch, go to 'docs --> click on the + symbol.
Type ‘it/’ and the new dir will be automatically recognized.
Copy all the stuff in the original into the new file and start translation 
*If anyone has a better idea please correct me! Like is a separate branch required etc.
@kennethlimcp I’m also new to github (I’ve just downloaded some Arduino libraries
I think you need to have an account and then you can upload files.
Regarding the folder for the translation I don’t know if I can just add a folder named it
in the /master/docs folder and copy the translated files there: what do you think @zachary ?
EDIT: sorry @kennethlimcp I didn’t saw your instructions (1-6) before I aswered you!!
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@Steve59 You can once you ‘fork’ it (sort of an exact clone of the original)
Once you made the changes (eg. new folder, translated files) you can send a ‘pull request’ to the original repository for checking and eventually merged to the original.
I have already done so 
no worries the original files won’t be changed by our actions. We are only going to duplicate, make changes and suggest to the original owner of the repository if they want to merge it in
Thanks @kennethlimcp I’ll give it a try.
Managed my way to Step 3 with some words that are beyond my translation skills.
Shall need some help when i meet my chinese friends 
@kennethlimcp @Steve59 separate branch not required. In the master branch, just make a folder for the language inside docs.
@zachary Roger that! I already made it but i guess it’s just a matter of merging this ‘zh’ branch i created after forking. 
Let me work on it bit by bit as i figure out the chinese technical terms 
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@zachary The file is in progress and 60% already in Italian 
When finished I’ll ask for help to put it in the right place!
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@zachary How can I create a folder in the docs one? For me is the first time I use Github …
I already have forked the entire docs but I don’t know how to create a folder in it.
Maybe I have to use the Github application instead of the web version?
Can you help me?
Hey @Steve59,
So you edited the immediately after forking?
go to 'docs --> click on the + symbol.
Type ‘it/’ and the new dir will be automatically recognized.