Electron Contest Winners

Hooray! The winners of the electron contest have been selected! We decided that, because the ideas were so good, first place would get a free year of data at 5 MB/month, and runners-up and best picture would get 6 months of data at 5 MB/month.

First place: @GeeBeeMee with the connected food truck button
Runners-Up: @RWB with connected solar generators in Africa and @rahilj with point of care diagnostic devices
Best Picture: @scozzy with floating explorers

We’ll be following up with you through PM to get more info about where to send your lovely prizes. :spark: :spark: :spark: :spark:



Thank you Spark Team!


Very cool! Thank you so much!


Very cool projects, Nice work @rahilj, @RWB, @GeeBeeMee and @scozzy!!

Congratulations!! :tada:


Congratulations to the winners - well done!. And a thanks to everyone that took part - nice to see what a huge difference a tiny connected device can make!

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@christine I was a winner of the Electron Contest where I won a Electron + 6 Months of data @ 5MB/month.

Now that the Electrons are shipping I just wanted to make sure that this Electron gets shipped out along with the units I backed on Kickstarter. Super Excited :smiley:

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Congrats winners!!

@RWB, you’re too smart and creative!! You go to the back of the line :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@RWB - Our Kickstarter backers received the first batch but y'all are up next so shipping will start on March 7th! You should receive the one you backed on Kickstarter soon if you haven't already.

Great! Will you ask for my address then or do you already have it?

Since it was all set up before my time, I have to do some research. But please provide me your address anyways :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see what ya make!


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did you finally get your prize? Because I didn’t… :sleepy:

I would enjoy 6 months of data for free for my project (as soon as I can continue it!).


I did, but I had to write in to get it.

Hello Andrea,

I received your ticket that you sent in to support.particle and will be getting you your 6 months data free! I will message you over there for the information that I will need from you.
