We have moved to new Windows 11 computers and a tightened network environment, and we're running into issues.
- Workbench - When opening an existing Particle project, it begins downloading the toolchain but never finishes. The status message is "Downloading deviceOS@6.2.1 toolchain". In the VSCode status bar, the progress shows the device OS downloads completely, but gcc-arm@10.2.1 makes it to almost 99% and stops.
- CLI - running particle login just results in this error: "! self signed certificate in certificate chain"
We've gotten past these issues with Python pip in VSCode, but not the Particle tools.
The VSCode version is 1.98.2.
Any help greatly appreciated!
It's not clear what the first error is, but it might be related to the second error. The Particle API does not use a self-signed certificate. There are a few reasons this can happen:
- You are using a proxy server in your node.js environment, and it is using a self-signed certificate.
- You are using a computer-side security product that examines TLS/SSL encrypted packets by swapping certificates so it can break the encryption.
- You are using a network-based security product that does the same thing. This used to happen on airplanes, though it's rarely done anymore since it's so insecure.
In any case, the Particle CLI runs in a node.js environment, so that's where I'd look first.
Thanks, Rick! I'll start looking at node.js.