I am getting error installing deviceOS in VS workbench

I was trying to install particle workbench into VS Code on unbuntu 18.04 pc but I got following error message while installing dependencies.

hey there :wave:

sorry for the bumps. can you run the Particle: Audit Environment command and share the non-sensitive portions of the report it generates here? also, can you confirm that the ~/.particle/toolchains directory is writable for your user account?

thanks :pray:

Does it matter if I always have to put sudo to run any particle command in terminal?
Otherwise it does not output anything at all!

And I don’t get how to run Particle: Audit Environment
Also there is no toolchains under ~/.particle folder. might be somewhere else?

Does it matter if I always have to put sudo to run any particle command in terminal?

yes. that implies your user permissions are set in a non-standard way. it's kind of tricky to get these right if you aren't aware of the various and many details - this seems like a decent overview: Permissions and User Management | Servers for Hackers

And I don’t get how to run Particle: Audit Environment

ctrl+shift+p to open VSCode's Command Palette then type Particle: - if you haven't seen them already, have a look at our new docs: https://docs.particle.io/tutorials/developer-tools/workbench/#particle-commands

Also there is no toolchains under ~/.particle folder. might be somewhere else?

that's what i'd expect since you are not able to install dependencies.

as noted above, your issue seems to be related to user permissions. i'll add some logging in the next update to see if we can learn more - in the meantime if you are comfortable doing so, try tuning your user permissions such that the ~/.particle directory and all its files & subdirectories are readable, writable, and executable by your user.

i’m wondering if you would mind posting what a generic [sanitized] readout of Particle: Audit Environment should look like at this point in time? thanks.

here’s a good example: [ISSUE] - Workbench installation of CLI dependencies fails (scroll down a bit until you see "Particle: Audit Environment output:")

ok. appreciate it. my versions and extensions were basically the same, the example had some extensions i did not have and visa versa but i guess that is preference. the dependencies were also except i had one additional and wanted to ask if that was an issue. mine had “deviceOS@0.7.0” as well as “deviceOS@1.0.1” the example just “deviceOS@1.0.1” is there some kind of conflict issue possible having both or is more of being able to work with both instead of one? thanks.

my install
"dependencies": [

"dependencies": [

is there some kind of conflict issue possible having both or is more of being able to work with both instead of one?

nope! this is a major part of the Particle Workbench - easy control over your local compiler toolchain. check out the docs: https://docs.particle.io/tutorials/developer-tools/workbench/#dependency-manager

that’s good to know. thanks. i bookmarked the workbench docs. need to reread them more in depth. as well as a bunch of other documentation.

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Hi @m_m thanks for the advice.
I tried to install particle-cli but not sure if I did it correctly or not.
Currently I got
$ npm --version
$ node --version

Is there a proper way of installing the latest version of particle-cli?
Please help.



installation instructions are here: https://docs.particle.io/tutorials/developer-tools/cli/#installing

are you still trying to get Workbench dependencies installed?

I ended up using VS code running on Win10.
Installing the development environment for particle devices in ubuntu linux I think is too much complex and seems not fully explained.
I normally work with ubuntu linux for many of my previous work but not sure what I did wrong this time.