Visual Studio Workbench

On Workbench, now, when I select particle: “Compile application local” I receive a message to select the properties, then it says “could not find task…”

Yesterday I could do it, I could select the device from the bottom bar, I could flash from the top bar.
Today all is gone and I do not understand how to recover this.

Not only, my code when compiled yesterday is plenty of errors today.
I tried to reset the environment. No changes…

Hey @ParticleD or @m_m , any insight you could provide on this?

I pinged m_m about this internally a little while ago.

hey there @jmjobin :wave:

thanks for trying workbench :+1:

can you run the Particle: Audit Environment command and share the non-sensitive portions of the report it generates here?

sounds like things were working at one point - do you recall any changes you may have made to your local environment that could account for the change (ex: updated VSCode, updated Workbench extensions, other)?

can you also please provide the steps required to reproduce the issue as described over here: Information: How to report bugs and provide feedback

for future reference, we have a category dedicated to the Particle Workbench over here:

Following the audit. Do not understand if you want all but here below.

Also Workbench ask me to download the toolchain and when I say yes it says it failed doing it.

Thanks you to help

   "username": "",
   "workspace": {
       "name": "test_xenon",
       "isWorkspace": false,
       "folders": []
   "cli": {
       "binpath": "C:\\Users\\..\\.vscode\\extensions\\particle.particle-vscode-core-1.2.2\\src\\cli\\bin\\windows\\amd64\\particle.exe",
       "ok": true,
       "version": "1.39.0",
       "installed": 1552583950080
   "localCompiler": {
       "dependencies": [
   "platform": {
       "os": "windows",
       "type": "Windows_NT",
       "release": "10.0.16299",
       "arch": "x64",
       "path": {
           "key": "Path",
           "value": "C:\\Perl64\\site\\bin;C:\\Perl64\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ELO Java Client\\bin;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Windows Performance Toolkit\\;C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bluetooth Command Line Tools\\bin;C:\\MinGW\\bin;D:\\Go\\bin;D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\bin;d:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd;D:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin;D:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\;C:\\Users\\...\\.windows-build-tools\\python27\\Scripts;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nordic Semiconductor\\nrf5x\\bin\\;C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseGit\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\dfu-util;C:\\Users\\...\\.windows-build-tools\\python27\\;D:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\npm-lifecycle\\node-gyp-bin;C:\\Users\\....\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\windows-build-tools\\node_modules\\.bin;C:\\Users\\...\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\.bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath;C:\\\\Users\\\\....\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Programs\\\\Python\\\\Python37;D:\\Python\\Python37\\Scripts\\;D:\\Python\\Python37\\;C:\\Users\\....\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps;C:\\Users\\....\\go\\bin;C:\\Users\\....\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm;D:\\Program Files\\Fiddler;C:\\OpenSSL-Win32\\bin"
       "homeDir": "C:\\Users\\...",
       "particleDir": "C:\\Users\\....\\.particle",
       "localCompilerToolchainDir": "C:\\Users\\...\\.particle\\toolchains"
   "env": {
       "ALLUSERSPROFILE": "C:\\ProgramData",
       "AMD_ENTRYPOINT": "vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess",
       "APPDATA": "C:\\Users\\....\\AppData\\Roaming",
       "CommonProgramFiles": "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files",
       "CommonProgramFiles(x86)": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files",
       "CommonProgramW6432": "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files",
       "COMPUTERNAME": ".....",
       "ComSpec": "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe",
       "ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE": "1",
       "GOPATH": "D:\\Go\\GoWorkspace",
       "GOROOT": "D:\\Go\\",
       "GYP_MSVS_VERSION": "2015",
       "HOMEDRIVE": "U:",
       "HOMEPATH": "\\",
       "HOMESHARE": "\\\\\\user\\....",
       "LANG": "German",
       "LOCALAPPDATA": "C:\\Users\\....\\AppData\\Local",
       "LOGONSERVER": "\\\\......",
       "NRFGOSTUDIOPATH": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nordic Semiconductor\\nRFgo Studio",
       "OneDrive": "C:\\Users\\....\\OneDrive",
       "OPENSSL_CONF": "C:\\OpenSSL-Win32\\bin\\openssl.cfg",
       "OS": "Windows_NT",
       "Path": "C:\\Perl64\\site\\bin;C:\\Perl64\\bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ELO Java Client\\bin;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\Windows Performance Toolkit\\;C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bluetooth Command Line Tools\\bin;C:\\MinGW\\bin;D:\\Go\\bin;D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\bin;d:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd;D:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin;D:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\;C:\\Users\\...\\.windows-build-tools\\python27\\Scripts;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nordic Semiconductor\\nrf5x\\bin\\;C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseGit\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\dfu-util;C:\\Users\\....\\.windows-build-tools\\python27\\;D:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\npm-lifecycle\\node-gyp-bin;C:\\Users\\...\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\windows-build-tools\\node_modules\\.bin;C:\\Users\\...\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\.bin;C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath;C:\\\\Users\\\\....\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Programs\\\\Python\\\\Python37;D:\\Python\\Python37\\Scripts\\;D:\\Python\\Python37\\;C:\\Users\\...\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps;C:\\Users\\...\\go\\bin;C:\\Users\\...\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm;D:\\Program Files\\Fiddler;C:\\OpenSSL-Win32\\bin",
       "PIPE_LOGGING": "true",
       "PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER": "Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel",
       "PROCESSOR_LEVEL": "6",
       "PROCESSOR_REVISION": "5e03",
       "ProgramData": "C:\\ProgramData",
       "ProgramFiles": "C:\\Program Files",
       "ProgramFiles(x86)": "C:\\Program Files (x86)",
       "ProgramW6432": "C:\\Program Files",
       "PSModulePath": "C:\\Program Files\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\Modules",
       "PUBLIC": "C:\\Users\\Public",
       "set": "PYTHON=D:\\Python\\Python37\\python.exe",
       "SMARTRFSTUDIO7PATH": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Texas Instruments\\SmartRF Tools\\SmartRF Studio 7",
       "SRFPROG": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Texas Instruments\\SmartRF Tools\\Flash Programmer\\bin",
       "SRFPROG2": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Texas Instruments\\SmartRF Tools\\Flash Programmer 2\\bin",
       "SystemDrive": "C:",
       "SystemRoot": "C:\\WINDOWS",
       "TEMP": "C:\\Temp",
       "TMP": "C:\\Temp",
       "UATDATA": "C:\\WINDOWS\\CCM\\UATData\\D9F8C395-CAB8-491d-B8AC-179A1FE1BE77",
       "USERDNSDOMAIN": ".....CH",
       "USERDOMAIN": "....",
       "USERNAME": "...",
       "USERPROFILE": "C:\\Users\\....",
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       "VS140COMNTOOLS": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\Tools\\",
       "VSCODE_CWD": "D:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code",
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       "VSCODE_LOG_STACK": "false",
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       "windir": "C:\\WINDOWS",
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hi @jmjobin

originally you said:

Yesterday I could do it, I could select the device from the bottom bar, I could flash from the top bar.

do you recall making any changes to your local environment that could account for this?

my code when compiled yesterday is plenty of errors today

can you share the exact errors you are seeing?

Workbench ask me to download the toolchain and when I say yes it says it failed doing it

the audit report you shared includes:

   "localCompiler": {
       "dependencies": [

which implies the default toolchain was successfully downloaded at some point. try opening powershell and running the following:

C:\Users\<your username here>\.particle\toolchains\gcc-arm\5.3.1\bin\arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe --help


C:\Users\<your username here>\.particle\toolchains\openocd\0.10.0-particle.1\bin\openocd.exe --help


C:\Users\<your username here>\.particle\toolchains\buildtools\1.0.1\bin\dfu-util.exe --help

all of the commands above should run successfully and produce appropriate output. if they do not, verify you have a good and reliable internet connection and try running Particle: Reset Environment.

lastly just to confirm, did you censor (hide) your username? i ask b/c your paths look odd:

       "particleDir": "C:\\Users\\....\\.particle",
       "localCompilerToolchainDir": "C:\\Users\\...\\.particle\\toolchains"


"binpath": "C:\\Users\\..\\.vscode\\extensions\\

the first has four dots (....), the second has three (...), while the third has two (..).

Hello @m_m:
I am using Visual Code for some other project and programming but no change during this elapsed time.
I had anyway the same problem just after the Workbench installation. This went away after I made a new project.
Now I tried to open a new project again the problem persist.

Error probably from intellisense but when all was working I did not had these errors:


Asking to download toolchain but keep saying it cannot download it.
Here the error after a reset environment. Says the same if trying to load other version.
Yes it seems to have them loaded anyway.
Also the message Downloading toolchain stays there for ever.


Cannot run the command you asked me to run on terminal:

BTW working with Windows 10. :frowning:
the “.particle” is an empty directory in my pc disk C:
and have particle.config.json and profile.json on the disk D:

My internet connection is perfect, working the full day with it :slight_smile:

Yes I cancel my user name and sometimes place 3 dots and sometimes more I do not know. I do not thing this is important for the troubleshooting.

Thank you to help, because so far, beside the Argon which is by itself working perfectly well, the Xenon does not and the mesh is not, and I do not have an environment to work with.


I was able to particle: cloud compile wich generate the filename.bin
and then use the “particle flash --usb .\filename.bin” command from terminal to flash my Xenon.

Workbench still not OK. Cannot compile application local, cannot find and download gcc-arm v5.3.1.tar.gz compiler from, cannot Download toolchain, …

Workbench still not OK. Cannot compile application local, cannot find and download gcc-arm v5.3.1.tar.gz compiler from, cannot Download toolchain

ah, i see - you've never been able to download the required dependencies so the local compiler will not work. let's focus on fixing that first :grin:

i recently did some work to make the downloader more resilient to error, etc. would you be willing to try an ad-hoc build of the core extension to see if that helps?

in the meantime, is there anything special about your internet connection (are you behind a proxy? are you able to try a different network?)?

Hello, yes lets fix it I like to have it working to go further.
I am ready to try any suggestion you may have.
Not sure about the proxy. I am not the IT department.
But this had worked in the past, also if after the installation I had a similar problem.
Then opening a new project made it work, so I had the gcc installed once.
If I would be disturbed by the proxy this would never have worked.

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working with @jmjobin via DM, we've determined the issue is due to a bad network configuration (likely a proxy) as we're seeing the following error:

FetchError: request to failed, reason: unable to get local issuer certificate

The error itself just means that a TLS certificate in the chain is not set properly or signed by an unknown certificate authority (perhaps the cert the proxy uses).

the only work-around options i see are to a) use a different network or b) try configuring proxy support within VSCode:

@jmjobin if you are able to resolve things, please share your solution :pray:

thanks for trying workbench :+1:

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