Unable to flash Photon 2 with 5.9.0 locally

Should I be able to flash my p2 with 5.9.0 yet? I see that its still a tag in GitHub and not a release with system binaries.

I tried through workbench with pre-release enabled but get
Device OS version not found for platform: 32 version: 5.9.0

And with the latest device-os-flash I get

Downloading release binaries
Error: Release not found: 5.9.0

But that may be just because it cant find the binaries if it's not on GitHub yet, not sure.

Workbench doesn't load the dependencies from Github. I was able to successfully use Particle: Configure Project for Device to select a P2 and 5.9.0.

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 11.32.46 AM

You do need to have a valid access token, so you might want to do a Particle: Login again in case the error message doesn't differentiate a missing release vs. a release that can't be downloaded because of a token issue.

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Logging in again didn't seem to change anything. I also tried logging out and in and no luck.

A bit odd, but from the workbench page, if I click Install toolchain, 5.9.0 doesn't show up.

Same thing for uninstall.
Even though the toolchain is present and I have the files. I can see it when I set the version for my project though.

It may still be some token issue because before the error it briefly flashes "Downloading device OS 5.9.0"

I'm also on Windows, if that helps.

C:\...\target\5.9.0\p2>particle flash --local -v
Flashing p2 0a10aced202194944a0539e4
Device OS version not found for platform: 32 version: 5.9.0
Error: Device OS version not found for platform: 32 version: 5.9.0
    at Object.downloadDeviceOsVersionBinaries (C:\snapshot\particle-cli\src\lib\device-os-version-util.js:58:10)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async FlashCommand._flashLocal (C:\snapshot\particle-cli\src\cmd\flash.js:156:28)
    at async Object.executeWithUsbDevice (C:\snapshot\particle-cli\src\cmd\usb-util.js:138:3)
    at async FlashCommand.flashLocal (C:\snapshot\particle-cli\src\cmd\flash.js:125:3)
    at async FlashCommand.flash (C:\snapshot\particle-cli\src\cmd\flash.js:57:4)
    at async CLI.runCommand (C:\snapshot\particle-cli\src\app\cli.js:147:4)
    at async CLI.run (C:\snapshot\particle-cli\src\app\cli.js:176:11)

Looking at device-os-version-util.js,

catch (error) {
		if (error.message.includes('404')) {
			throw new Error(`Device OS version not found for platform: ${platformId} version: ${version}`);
		throw error;

Yeah, could be some 404 error. Weird.

We had an error in a Github tab for that release that was limiting the ability to download the binaries, thanks for your patience and for reporting. It has been fixed, can you please try again now? Should work!

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This has been fixed! The release notes update in Github set the incorrect tag for the release.
I just tested on my devices and it works.


Hey, have you tried restarting Workbench so it updates the plugins to the latest?

Works now! Thanks!

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