[SOLVED] Particle Web IDE: Uploading a project — SOLUTION: Customise Particle Workbench


  1. Uploading a project to the Particle Web IDE is not possible.
  2. However, customising the Particle Workbench is possible.

The Particle Web IDE features a Download app sources button to download the source code from the cloud.

Now, I would like to upload a project to the Particle Web IDE. How to proceed?

Thank you!

It’s not possible to upload a project. You can only copy and paste code into the Web IDE.

For larger projects, we recommend using Particle Workbench and Github instead of the Web IDE.

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Problem is, the Particle Web IDE still supports the RedBear Duo while the Particle Workbench no longer does.

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Hey @rei_vilo,

I was able to add support for the redbear duo in Workbench with the following:

cd ~/.particle/toolchains/deviceOS
git clone https://github.com/redbear/firmware redbearduo
cd redbearduo
git submodule update --init --recursive

mkdir .workbench
nano .workbench/manifest.json

Put the following contents in .workbench/manifest.json:

    "version": "1.0.0",
    "toolchains": [
            "firmware": "deviceOS@source",
            "compilers": "gcc-arm@5.3.1",
            "debuggers": "openocd@0.11.2-adhoc6ea4372.0",
            "platforms": [1],
            "scripts": "buildscripts@1.9.2",
            "tools": "buildtools@1.1.1"
    "platforms": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "duo",
            "generation": 1

In Workbench I set the Custom Device OS Location to ~/.particle/toolchains/deviceOS/redbearduo

Next, I opened created a new Workbench project and I selected the deviceOS@source firmware and the duo device:

After that, I was able to compile the project for the redbear duo.




also worth reminding folks:

Thank you so much for the detailed procedure. Everything works as expected. Compiling off-line is a safety net when internet is down.

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