I’m getting three LED blinks when trying to connect to the cloud.
I could connect my core to the cloud before and then I tried setting up a local cloud server and connecting the core to it. I could successfully fire up the server though when I was trying to connect the core to the local cloud, it didn’t get connected.(Apparently it was a handshake problem which I found out later when checking the server logs.) Then I tried to connect it again to the spark cloud and from that point onwards I’m getting three LED blinks in between cyan and green flashes. (3 red blinks->6 seconds of cyan flashes->1 second of green flashes->6 seconds of cyan flashes->3 red blinks)
When I read up in the forum it says that it’s a memory mangement fault. How can i fix it? I tried the factory reset a few times, ran keys doctor, flashed the 33000 patch but couldn’t get it to work yet.
I think the blink counting only works if your Core is flashing the SOS pattern first.
I was seeing the same thing as you on my core the other day (after it being packed away for several months), and I think resetting the public cloud key was what finally got it working again for me. Try the instructions from the first post here:
This may or may-not be what finally solved my problem on Friday. I tried so many different things, I don’t remember now. But if you still don’t have luck, maybe I can look at my computer at home tonight and see what else I can recall from my browser history.
Warning! - core id was shorter than 24 characters - did you use something other than an id?
use spark identify to find your core id
running dfu-util -l
running openssl genrsa -out cloud_public.pem 1024
running openssl rsa -in cloud_public.pem -pubout -out cloud_public.pub.pem
running openssl rsa -in cloud_public.pem -outform DER -out cloud_public.der
New Key Created!
running dfu-util -l
This file already exists, please specify a different file, or use the --force flag.
Error saving key to core... This file already exists, please specify a different file, or use the --force flag.
Make sure your core is in DFU mode (blinking yellow), and that your computer is online.
Error - This file already exists, please specify a different file, or use the --force flag.
Can you please explain me the last point? I’m sorry but I’m pretty new to the spark community.
Although when I did spark keys server cloud_public.der and tried spark setup again, now it gives one second cyan flash and half a second red flash in a loop.
I followed your steps. Now it keeps flashing cyan in a loop with half a second red flashes. It’s difficult to identify any pattern as to when the red flashes are occurring.
Yes, I ran both of the commands without any problem.
I just tried connecting the core to the using the mobile app. It says that We found a core and let’s name it. But the core doesn’t shout any rainbows.
Will it help if I do a factory reset, flash the c33000 patch, tinder, then issue the two commands to fix the public keys and then try it? I’m sure whatever the problem I was facing earlier is not there now since the flashing pattern has changed.
Okay the flashing sequence is a bit weird now. Moment ago it was only flashing cyan, then cyan was on for like two or three seconds(no flashes no blinks), then 1 second white, then again 1 second cyans and half a second reds