Photon Vbat no longer 3.3v* used for sensors on core

I was have sensor issues moving from the core to the photon.

I’ve been spending a lot of time troubleshooting this issue of the sensor not working. Come to realize that the pin change of the 3.3v* pin to VBat was the issue.

Does anyone know if I can wire the photon 3.3v pin to the VBat pin with out any damage? It would be easier for me to fix my already made PCB’s this way then to break the vbat connection and wire the sensors to 3.3v

Thank you,

Yup you can

Was this in the other thread not clear enough?

It was, I tried using a CAP but that didn’t work, so I just wired it directly.

That other thread was an edit of an old one, talking about A6 pin in the topic, This one is specific to the Vbat. Same question different topic so I can find it later when searching.

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How did you wire the cap?

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pin +3.3v — .1uf ceramic Cap----Vbat pin

@Brian, it should be 3V3 to VBAT and 0.1uF from VBAT to GND.

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I’ll add this to my next revision of the PCB.

Thank you,

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