Particle And IFTTT: IFTTT routine not being triggered. Help to troubleshoot

This is my first experience with Particle. I am using a Photon connected to a MAX31865 to read a PT100 Temperatures sensor. The idea is to integrate it further with Smarthings to implement a simple ON/OFF PWM tempreature controller using a Smart Outlet.
So far I have been able to flash firmware and I am getting the temperature value streamed through the USB and I am also able to see publicartionof the event in the Console (A String with the temperature value).
When I try to store values in a Google Spreadsheet using IFTTT I am not able to trigger the IFTTT applet though. I have read a number of examples and posts on the subject, tried reconnecting services in IFTTT, tried renaming the event; etc posts and still I cannot seem to trigger the applet.
I can say the config of the Particle Service in IFTTT OK because I have been succesful in triggering an SMS message to my phone when my photon changes its online status, so I suspect something is wrong regarding either the publishing or instancing the Event Name in IFTTT.

This is my code:

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
//#include <Adafruit_MAX31865_library.h>

#include “application.h”
#include “Adafruit_MAX31865.h”

// Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK
// Adafruit_MAX31865 sensor = Adafruit_MAX31865 (A2, A5, A4, A3);
// use hardware SPI, just pass in the CS pin
Adafruit_MAX31865 sensor = Adafruit_MAX31865(A2);

// The value of the Rref resistor. Use 430.0!
#define RREF 430.0

void setup() {
Serial.println(“Adafruit MAX31865 PT100 Sensor Test!”);
sensor.begin(MAX31865_3WIRE); // currently using 3WIRE RTD
Particle.variable(“temperatura”, String (sensor.temperature(100, RREF)));

void loop() {
uint16_t rtd = sensor.readRTD();

Serial.print("RTD value: "); Serial.println(rtd);
float ratio = rtd;
ratio /= 32768;
Serial.print("Ratio = "); Serial.println(ratio,8);
Serial.print("Resistance = "); Serial.println(RREF*ratio,8);
//Serial.print("RREF = "); Serial.println(RREF);
Serial.print("Temperature = ");
Serial.println(sensor.temperature(100, RREF));
Particle.publish(“temperature_published”, String(sensor.temperature(100, RREF)));

// Check and print any faults
uint8_t fault = sensor.readFault();
if (fault) {
Serial.print(“Fault 0x”); Serial.println(fault, HEX);
if (fault & MAX31865_FAULT_HIGHTHRESH) {
Serial.println(“RTD High Threshold”);
if (fault & MAX31865_FAULT_LOWTHRESH) {
Serial.println(“RTD Low Threshold”);
if (fault & MAX31865_FAULT_REFINLOW) {
Serial.println(“REFIN- > 0.85 x Bias”);
if (fault & MAX31865_FAULT_REFINHIGH) {
Serial.println(“REFIN- < 0.85 x Bias - FORCE- open”);
if (fault & MAX31865_FAULT_RTDINLOW) {
Serial.println(“RTDIN- < 0.85 x Bias - FORCE- open”);
if (fault & MAX31865_FAULT_OVUV) {
Serial.println(“Under/Over voltage”);

And this is my IFTTT recipe

I have had a few integrations like this running continuously for nearly 2 years without a problem.
Then all of a sudden on 2 Sept 2021 they all stopped working, and I still haven’t figured out why. But my guess is that Particle or IFTTT changed something. If you figure it out, please let me know!

Thanks @MarioT and @Toby , there might be some changes on the IFTTT <> Particle applet. I will check on this and update here within the day!

FYI @particle7888 , this thread is similar to this one

Thank you @gusgonnet

Thanks @particle7888
if it helps, I found that the IFTTT trigger ‘Monitor a Variable’ works fine, but the ‘New Event Published’ trigger is failing to fire. So the problem does not appear to be communication or auth.
Look forward to hearing what you find out

Hi folks,

The team is investigating the issue and we should have updates later in the day.

Hi everyone, we are still investigating this issue and will update you again.

Same thing happening here. I monitored my photon on the particle app on my phone and it is definitely publishing a new event ‘ring’ so the issue appears to be on the IFTTT side.

Yes, all my apps quit working with ifttt, some started Sept-1-2021 and now all quit Sept-7-2021.
I contacted IFTTT and say said they are getting a lot less triggers from particle, They would contact particle also.

That’s the same timing for me. Last ran Sept 1 and nothing since.

Hi folks,

Please keep an eye on Particle: Investigating IFTTT Integration Issues for updates.