Mark a Tracker One as a Development Device

I have a Tracker One device and wish to mark it as a Development Device. However, that option doesn’t appear in the console - Only the ‘Unclaim Device’ option is available. What could I be missing?


Are you looking in the Devices list in the Sandbox view in the console? That will only have the Unclaim option.

In order to change the development device setting you need to be in your Tracker product. Go into Products first, then your Tracker product. It’s that device list that has the development device setting, because it’s a product setting, not a device setting.

Yes, I was in the Sandbox view. Apparently our or organization only has a free account.
So in order to develop firmware for IoT apps with the device, do we need to upgrade our account?

Every Tracker device must be in a product. Products are available in the Free tier as well, so you do not need to upgrade anything. Just go into Products, then the product that was created when you set up your Tracker, and in that device view you’ll see the option.

Thank you - I’m brand new to Particle devices (and to our organization). I did finally figure out the navigation links to get to the products and see the Mark development device option.
I’m really looking forward to working with the Tracker One.

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