When I try to flash a brand new Photon 2 I get the following error:
MacBookPro:bin blshaw$ particle flash Spare_Photon_2 tinker
Failed to flash Spare_Photon_2: Permission Denied
particle has full permissions:
MacBookPro:bin blshaw$ ls -l
total 202680
-rwxrwxrwx 1 blshaw staff 103769056 Oct 20 13:25 particle
What am I missing?
Have you set up the device at setup.particle.io? That's necessary to claim the device to your account.
However I think the problem is that the Particle CLI is not logged into your account. Try particle login
and see if that helps.
I'm using the particle cli since Chrome doesn't see the Photon at all. I installed the cli via Terminal and successfully logged in to my Particle account from within terminal (on the second attempt).
If you can't use setup.particle.io, you still need to claim the device and set up wifi.
Use particle identify
to find the Device ID, which you will need later.
Use particle serial wifi
to configure Wi-Fi.
Once the device comes online and is breathing cyan, use partial device add <deviceid>
to add it to your account now that you've logged in.
I'd also probably do a particle update
at this point to update Device OS on the device.
Got it Rick. I was following the step-by-step instructions on line but didn't see the steps you refer to. I'm off to try it.
Hmmm. I'm wondering if part of my issue might be my USB connection. My MacBook has only USB C, of course, so I have a C-to-micro adapter. The Photon is getting power via that connection but Terminal gives me the following error when I try 'particle identify':

Make sure your Micro USB cable is a data cable. If it it's a charger cable from an old phone, Ring camera, etc. that's the behavior you would see.
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Ah HA! I think the one Im using is the one that came with my Boron development kit, but luckily I have a bunch of others to try. Stay tuned.
Nope. Tried 3 cables including a brand new one that came with an Arduino. However, I plugged the Photon into my wife's MacBook Air (via USB C and the adapter) and her machine asked for permission to connect whereas my Macbook Pro does not. So I am going to have her log out so I can log in with my ID and thereby access my particle directory and try again just in case my machine is having an issue with serial that I am not aware of.
I haven't given up on this yet Rick; I just have to find a time when my wife is not using her MacBook. I'll revisit when I can get my hands on it.
In the meantime, I have a completely separate issue with my code running on a Boron having to do with code execution before a cloud connection has occurred. I'm going to create a separate post about that.
You need to add:
and code will run before connecting to the cloud.
Also trying:
particle usb list
on the computer that's not working for USB might be helpful.
On a Mac you can try ioreg -p IOUSB -l -w 0
to see if Mac OS can even see it.