So after a factory reset, it goes into blinking blue? The you reconfigure the credentials, and it goes into blinking green? Then it’ll go to breathing cyan?
Where exactly does it fail?
yes sir, this is the condition after factory reset
Run Tinker no problem, but when I tried flash other apps, it wont connect at all. The condition is like my first post, long time flashing magenta, flashing red while connecting then flashing cyan rapidly.
Strange behavior to say the least. I’m not sure where the blinking red comes from, but it seems to make it to breathing cyan. Could you try flashing a really simple app, like the example “blink an LED”? That’ll rule out any issues with the user code.
no, but it happened before LED goes to breathing cyan. the LED state will be like this:
blinking blue -> solid blue -> flashing green -> high speed cyan -> blinking red -> breathing cyan. just like at the second video.