New to Particle, started through the web quick start for Xenon, got the Android app, walking through the system/prompts. I was thinking to myself this is nice and easy, well guided, etc, after having just lost two days to a different set of open/community hardware/software that was a disaster.
So far, so good. Get it paired, update the firmware, then get to the “Your Xenon is scanning for mesh networks to join”. Now it’s been sitting here for 30 minutes, with no change. There aren’t any networks to join, this is my first device. My options are to cancel setup, or continue waiting…
Xenon, don’t know what firmware it has, just updated in the app. Flashing blue.
Android, 9
Particle App, 2.3.11
The webpage wants to walk me through the first device setup again, wanting to text me the link to the app and such. It shows no devices.
Canceling setup in the app restarts the same sequence but without the firmware upgrade step. It shows no devices.
Pushing the buttons on the device appears to have no effect, the right one resets(?), re-inits USB(?), something, but no change in behavior.