Failure Assertion on Electron What should I do?

I’m trying to flash firmware called system-part1-0.6.0-rc.2-electron.bin. There are 3 of them. Everything is going well until I flash the third part. In command line it said that Flash success! but the electron light gone red with 10 times blinking. What should I do?

You need to show the exact commands you’ve used to flash the system parts.

Here it is. It show flash success but the light red suddenly shows. I try to reset but it didn’t work.

Are you able to use DFU instead of Serial?

This might help if don’t have dfu-util installed: Tutorial: Installing DFU-Driver on Windows [24 Feb 2015]

Once you have dfu-util installed, you should be able to upload the new firmware binaries to your electron by doing particle flash --usb system-partX...

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Also, what version of the CLI are you using?

particle --version

I think 1.16.0 might be required to install 3-part system firmware.

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Here is my CLI version 1.16.0.

Do you mean that if I flash the firmwares via usb, the old one will be replaced by these new firmware?

Exactly - but not only via --usb but also via --serial or OTA.
--usb just is a bit more verbose in case of problems.

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--usb tells particle-cli to use dfu-util to flash firmware over USB.

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I’ve already fixed the problem thank you all sooooooooooo much.

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@GookgikPagornsirikul, can you please explain how you fixed the problem so other members who may visit this topic can know?

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Firstly, I put the electron in DFU-Mode.Then, I flash the new firmware. Press restart and done. The electron is blinking in blue not red anymore.