Been trying and trying to get this thing to work but i’m running out of ideas…
I’ve flashed on the latest updates e.g. cc3000… it’s breathing/pulsing cyan so i’m guessing it’s connected.
Whenever i try to add a core it says the device is not connected
Also when i run “spark serial identify” i get the following error:
Something went wrong Serial timed out
Potentially unhandled rejection [4] Serial timed out (WARNING: non-Error used)
actually it sounds like it did connect to the cloud - he said breathing/pulsing, which means that the cloud connection was complete.
sounds like you just need to claim your core, but you’re not able to get spark serial working. Do you have any other serial terminal tools on your computer? You can use the Arduino IDE, or GNU screen, or PuTTY on a PC, or CoolTerm on a Mac. Then open a serial connection to the Core (over USB) at 9600 baud, and then type i, which should return the device’s ID, which you can then claim from the web IDE