@laughlinez @wdj @the_fellowship Hey all! Sorry to hear you’re having connection issues… let’s see if we can get you sorted out. Please read through these steps and make sure everything sounds like it should be working:
If you have a beta electron check out these steps: [solved] How to upgrade and setup my Beta Electron?
If you have a production electron, and have activated your SIM and get CYAN blinking with RED blips, you are connected to the cellular network but unable to gain a connection to the internet. It could indicate an issue with the SIM data usage (see if you got an email that your SIM is paused or deactivated. Check the dashboard as well) although usually if that is the case you will still be blinking Green, not Cyan.
If you’ve read and tried all of the above, we can certainly dive deeper. It will be best to write into support so we can track the issues better and get your information. Check out this link for how to contact us about your electron: https://docs.particle.io/support/troubleshooting/common-issues/electron/#11-contact-particle