Is it possible to make a product that people can use with IFTTT without having to create a account and copy&past the code themselfs?
Hi @remcohn,
Good question! In building the interface to let anyone interact with their firmware via IFTTT, our hope was that anyone building on Spark could take advantage of that when creating their own IFTTT channels. Any channel functionality you can make that involves calling a function, getting a variable, or sending / receiving events should hopefully be fairly easy to implement since that’s all built!
We’re also talking with IFTTT about how we can make that process easier, and I’m really looking forward to helping make that happen as people create their own IFTTT channels.
I have the same question and couldn’t be happier with the reply. Thanks @Dave!
This also applied to products based on P0/P1, correct?
Just a note about IFTTT. I’ve spent the last several/many hours trying to get a very simple thing to work: A 1-Wire temperature probe setup that sends an email to me when the temperature goes out of min/max temperatures that I’ve defined. I set up a recipe for the maximum temp, and one for the minimum temp. Either one works by itself, but when I enable both recipes, both get triggered for either event. I finally bailed on that and am using Spark.publish and a single recipe – that only registers that the temp is outside the min/max… I have this basically working but I’d rather report the actual temperature in the IFTTT-sent email. (Which brings up a question – can an exported Spark variable be referenced in a recipe that doesn’t explicitly present it in the recipe creation process?)
So my point is, if you don’t already have what you want implemented, I’d suggest seeing if IFTTT will actually do what you need, and do it reliably.