Argon breathes cyan but can't be signaled nor flashed

You’ll need to install the CLI tool . It’s really powerful and does a lot more than just allow you to flash code either OTA or via USB.

Once 0.9.0 is out, you’ll want to do this:

  • download the 0.9.0 system, Tinker, and bootloader .bin files for the Argon from the repo
  • put the Argon into DFU mode
  • at a command prompt, cd to the download directory and do these:
  • particle flash --usb system-part1-0.9.0-argon.bin
  • particle flash --usb tinker-0.9.0-argon.bin
  • Now, put the Argon into Listening mode and
  • particle flash --serial bootloader-0.9.0-argon.bin

Hopefully after that, you will be Particling happily :sunny: