Argon at version 1.4.2, rapid cyan

For the last couple of hours, I’ve been trying to revive an Argon I stopped using more than half a year ago and which was still running 0.8.0-rc.26.

Unfortunately, I can’t bring it back online again, as it currently (after all updates to v 1.4.2) does nothing more than rapidly blinking cyan followed occasionally by an sos-14 code (Heap error (14 blinks between 2 SOS patterns)).

What I’ve tried so far:

  1. downgrade to 0.8 and do a manual upgrade locally step by step.
    used commands include for example:
particle flash --usb argon-system-part1@1.1.0-rc.1.bin
particle usb reset
particle usb start-listening
particle flash --serial argon-bootloader@1.1.0-rc.1.bin 
particle flash --usb argon-tinker@1.1.0-rc.1.bin

This worked up to version 1.1.0 but I’d like to take a bigger step to 1.4.2.

  1. Let particle update handle the updates
  2. checking the modules
$ particle serial inspect
Platform: 12 - Argon
  Bootloader module #0 - version 501, main location, 49152 bytes max size
    Integrity: PASS
    Address Range: PASS
    Platform: PASS
    Dependencies: PASS
  System module #1 - version 1404, main location, 671744 bytes max size
    Integrity: PASS
    Address Range: PASS
    Platform: PASS
    Dependencies: PASS
      Bootloader module #0 - version 501
      Radio stack module #0 - version 202
  User module #1 - version 5, main location, 131072 bytes max size
    UUID: 72B73BFAB5C902DBE9EC90A13958C90408C6FA4758B9F9C5CFB5100141C1C58B
    Integrity: PASS
    Address Range: PASS
    Platform: PASS
    Dependencies: PASS
      System module #1 - version 326
  User module #1 - version 5, factory location, 131072 bytes max size
    UUID: 72B73BFAB5C902DBE9EC90A13958C90408C6FA4758B9F9C5CFB5100141C1C58B
    Integrity: PASS
    Address Range: PASS
    Platform: PASS
    Dependencies: PASS
      System module #1 - version 324
  NCP module #0 - version 5, main location, 1536000 bytes max size
    Integrity: PASS
    Address Range: PASS
    Platform: PASS
    Dependencies: PASS
  Radio stack module #0 - version 202, main location, 192512 bytes max size
    Integrity: PASS
    Address Range: PASS
    Platform: PASS
    Dependencies: PASS
  1. reset keys as suggested in Forever rapid cyan - Electron :
$ particle serial identify -v

Your device id is e00fce68b49e44cd99f20d89
Your system firmware version is 1.4.2

$ particle keys server
Okay!  New keys in place, your device will not restart.

$ particle keys doctor e00fce68b49e44cd99f20d89
New Key Created!
attempting to add a new public key for device e00fce68b49e44cd99f20d89
submitting public key succeeded!
Okay!  New keys in place, your device should restart.
  1. check for particle-cli updates:
$ particle --version
  1. reclaim the device and use my phone as a hotspot during setup to rule out any WiFi/infrastructure issues.

So please, could anybody please help me get my Argon back online? :anguished:

Try particle falsh --usb tinker -v (in DFU Mode) again.
This should at least get rid of the SOS+14

1 Like

Thanks, ScruffR, for your quick response. I downgraded to argon-system-part1@1.1.0-rc.1.bin (for this and further commands, always followed by a particle flash --usb tinker -v) to bring the device back online. 1.1.0-rc.1 works, 1.1.1-rc.1 works and so does 1.1.1. But as soon as I flash tinker to an applied system-part1@1.2.1, the device restarts and shows me an SOS 10 error. I can’t find documentation about SOS 10, do you know it?

I’m not that familiar with the particle architecture (system vs. bootloader and potential further modules). Also, I don’t see a way to reach listening-mode when a device is in SOS state or from the DFU mode.

SOS+10 assertion failure is a somewhat ambigous panic code :wink:

AFAICT this is a code that should not accually be seen in production device OS as it would indicate that the code got into a state that was not fully caught by pre-release implementation.

You could try Safe Listening Mode by first sending the device into Safe Mode (not requred to make it to breathing magenta tho') and then press/hold MODE/SETUP for 3+ seconds to enter Listening Mode.

ok, following the steps in the docs (

To put your device in Safe Mode:

  1. Hold down BOTH buttons
  2. Release only the RESET button, while holding down the SETUP button.
  3. Wait for the LED to start blinking magenta
  4. Release the SETUP button

doesn't work as SOS immediately kicks in after step 4.

Looks like I'm stuck on 1.1.1. What should I do next? Raise a support request? :thinking:

Yup, once Safe Mode doesn’t work and particle update doesn’t help either would be the way to go.

Hi, I see your support ticket, but first I just want to triple-check that you’ve done the following:

particle update
particle flash --usb tinker


particle flash --usb tinker
particle update
particle flash --usb tinker

does the trick. Please verify that either or both of the above have been attempted.

Hi @marekparticle, I could upgrade to 1.4.2 and Argon came online after an uncounted number of attempts using particle flash --usb tinker and particle update. Unfortunately, it loses connectivity after several minutes and falls back to the rapid-cyan state. I reused some code-snippet from a different application to see how long it takes:

long lastToggle = 0;
long delayMilliSeconds = 15000;

void setup() {
    Particle.publish("startup", "argon", PRIVATE | WITH_ACK);

void loop() {
	if (millis() - lastToggle > delayMilliSeconds) {
	    lastToggle = millis();
	   	Particle.publish("startup", String::format("%d", lastToggle), PRIVATE);

I receive the last event 450 seconds after startup. Now it hangs again in rapid-cyan state :frowning:

Edit: A different Argon has been running with this code for 8 hours so far without any problems.

@rbach - Interesting. The device loses connectivity after several minutes with just tinker on the device?

In that case, it’s Cloud Debug time. Please download and flash this to your device (particle flash --usb argon.bin), disconnect the device after a successful flash, run particle serial monitor --follow, and then reattach the Argon. About 10+ minutes of logs would be useful, especially if they document an error!

This should not happen that quickly, but using String::format() a lot can cause connection problems over time.
I’d replace it with this

  char msg[32];
  snprintf(msg, data(msg), "%d", lastToggle);
  Particle.publish("startup", msg, PRIVATE);

in order to tick this off the possible causes list.


The device loses connectivity after several minutes with just tinker on the device?

Yes, indeed.

Does the following log help you? For me it's just gibberish :flushed: (copy/pasted from a default Ubuntu terminal)

$ particle serial monitor --follow
Polling for available serial device...
Opening serial monitor for com port: "/dev/ttyACM0"
Serial monitor opened successfully:
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001692 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001693 [] TRACE: < OK
al]m026at]: > AC < OK002[m 00 Iing
: Gted
0NFng 00ur]:n
00sm0710muRechannel 1
0280 Iing 0 [p C0091ncp0EAT+WD00002[ RACE: < OK
0029ACEP stchanged: 1
0003010at] TRAd1:fa4"0CE: <K030muxer] O: toppg GSM7.10 muxer
0000014 [g10mxerfully pping GSM07 m00003016 O: ClFO:Cu0000g ch00IN sed
4 [7er] 0031xeNer clown)
0000031780r] INF: Recee to CLDor time out, exiting multiplexed de
000003181 [gsm0710muxeO: GS threa exiting
0003184 [hal] TRACE: NP state hangd: 0
00003 t.esp32ncp] TRACE: eve[sys] INFO: Statecha: figusi2 cer=3ssid=Pl6 security=2 cipher=
available acnts:
006306 [] TRAC AT
08 [hal] TRANCP ad
0000709 [ncp.CE: > ACMUX=0
007311 [nat] 000007710muxer] Itarting GSM070 r
00007314 [gs0pennng mhnnl0
000007315 [gsm0]IN:d stated
07710muxer] INFO: Resumng chanel 000gsm0710muer] INFO: enningmux channel 1
00007470 m07 1
0007472 [gsm0710mur] hannel 1
007474 [nt] TRAC >AT
000007527 AT+CWDHCP=3
000007575] TRAC000075] TRACE: NCP state changed 1
00007578 [net.esp32ncp] TRE: NCP event 
00007579 ] TRACE: > AT+CWAP
00010ncpat] TRACE: < +CWLAP:(3,"Rigla:a8:5a:c0:26",5)
igiblick security=el=5 rssi=-45
000010132 [] TRACE: < WLAP:(4,"HUAWEI-Wmn7",-68,"2c:f:58:9c:cc:90",
SSD=HUAI-Wmn7 security=wp2 chal=1 rssi=-68
0000136 [] TRACE: < +CWAP:(3,"Riiblick",-70,"80:2a:5a:c1",SID=Rilsecurity=wpa2 chan1rs0
000010141 [ncp.a]TRAC< CLP(4,"Su_2.Gz_8738-,"b8:94:8::3c",6)
SDSunie2.4GHz_817938scrity2 can=6 rssi=-83
SDcrity=wpa2 chanel= s=800050 p.a]TAE <+WA:3"Lai"-84,"fc:ec:da:87:"8)
SIDLairsriywpchanel8 rssi=-84] TRACE: < +CW(Gue-85ec:a7:85:92",8)
ID=Liity=neue hn-85
SIDiblick scrhanne= ss-8
000016] ACE: < +CWLAP(3,"armt",-8,"d0:12:619:8,)
SIDrmaecu=wphnnel=3 rssi=-88
00067[: < CWLP(4"l9:8f:8:84")
SIDink-4 sety= channe4 rssi=-89
0017ncp] T:+CWLAP:(3,"Domaci",8,":7:74:r-89APshi c11 ri9
000018 ct(4,"Cain08:=i pcl=6 ri=
0000: <WL(2b03:7:5:55",12)
SInana24GHz securia channl1 si-97
000011Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001568 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001569 [] TRACE: < OK
0NP d=00073OK
] INi000er26ux : R01INFO:pe hFO: Reh00Fmianel 000p.> Aat< OK] TR+CP=,3
2836 []E: OK00TRACNCP state 1
A:> AT+MAC=0P evt 1
 []RACE: GETM0002TRA: 0289 [gsxeINSopping GSM07.10 001[gsm0710muxer]INFOGe
0r] Ilosing uxedls
0002895 gux] NFO: Closing mux channel 002sm0710muMuxechannel 2 aly csed00002898 1xer] INFO: uxe channel 3ealosed
00000200 [g0muxeruxedhanne4 aady300 ding CLD dn53Ror tied ou exiting multipled m003056 [gsm7er] INFO: GSM07r thread exiting
00305 [GSM07.1 muxe stop00000306TRAC:  statechange 0
0000032 [p32ncp]5000 stem.nm] INFOhange -FACE_DOWN
id=iblick sewpa2 cipher=3
ssd=tz 7176 secavailales points:
CE: NCP y to apt AT commands
00008 [ncp.atT+CMUX=000007310 [at] TRACE< OK
00311 [sm StartingGSM07.10 er
00000713 sm0710muxer] INFO: ennin muxhannel 0
013 [gsm0d startd000007367 [gsm0710muxer] NFO: u000000368 [ INFO: Onninhannel 1
000007468 [gsm0710 IResuming channel 1
0000747er] INFO: Resuminl 1
00007472 [] TR > 007523 [ncp.a TRACE:
0000 []RACE AT+CWDHCP=0,3
0007572 [] TRACE:0000007TRACE: NCP state changed: 
00t.esp32nE: NCP event 1
000007576 [] TRACE: > AT+C
0123 [] TRACE: "RigibliID=Rigiblic security=wpa2 cha=-46
0010128 [] TRACE: WLAP:(4HUAWEI-Wmn7",-66,"2c:cf58:9cc:90",1)
D=HUAWEI-rity=wpa channel=1=-66
00010133at] TRACEgiblick",-6:5a:c132",1)
ID=Rigiblik security=wpa2 ci=-69
000010137 [] TRACE:+CWLA:(3,"Lair",-84,"fcD=Lair secuity=wpa2 channel=8 rss84
00001011 [] TRACE:< +CWLAP:(3,"",-84,"0e:ec:d:87:85:92",8
SSID= scuisi=-800114 [] TRACE: < CWLA:0,Lai-uest",fe:e:a:8785:,8)
SRigiblick ity=wacanl9ssi=-84si=400050 [ncpa]TRA: < +CWLAP:(3ibli",-80:2:8:4:d:4b"9
00001 cp.a]TRAC:<+WL(,"urise_2.81793"5"8::4SDSnise_24H89 ecrity=wpannel6rs-500160[c.] TRACE: CWLP(,Baamtt"-87,"d0:2191:1"3)
SIDBmt serity=wpa2 channel=3 si-7
00010164 [paTRA  +LA:(3,"IBO""d0:7:1:6)
SDBO scrwa2 canl00119ncp.t] TRAC<+AP:(ik5-92,"6c:19:8fc:84)
SID=li-584 security=wpanl4 s=92
000007 [at],"Domci",-"8f7:c745:96",11)
SD=oaci security=2n.a TRA:,12serss00RACE+CWP:4"Casdi,-08:9a",
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001567 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001568 [] TRACE: < OK
] : a0RACEX=03xer] INFO: StarSM070007sm07: Oa
076 s0urr [000smsn ane33 [gs] IFRinghnne000735 [nat] ACE:  27t] TRA< OK 3
6n.a]ACE: < 
2 [net.p] TRACNCP 1
040 [ncatTRACE: > AT+GE00pat] TRACE: < + "30ea4100000[cp.at009[INFO: StonGM0710 muxer
00891sm01efully stopn  m0029gCsal chs028[gsm0287gm Mudca 029ger] N: Muedh00001 10mu] IO: Muxed cha4 lead d
710mu] ng CLD (multiplexer close own)0000305sm07muxeceived respoe to CLD or timed out, exng multiplexede
000000muxer] IO: G07.0 muxer thread exiting
00000305 [gsm0710muxer] INFO:GSM0.10 muxered
00003061 [al] TRACE: NCP state changd: 0
CE: event 1
000050tem.O: State hanged DISABLED -> IFACEonfigured credentsisecurwipher=d=Platz7ty=wpa2 cier=3
avilable acce
007308 [hal] T read accept Ads] TRACE: >] TRACE: < OK
00007312 [gsm0710mr] INFOtartig GSM07.10 muxe000007314 [gsm710muxer]INFO: penning mux channe
000007315FO: M0. xarted
00[gResumichannel 1 Resuing cnn0007370 [uxer] : Opennng mux channel 1
000007473 [gsm0710mxer] INFO: Resum cannel 007475 [] TRACE:T
0[] TRAC: < 
0000757[n.] TRACE: > AT+WHC=0,3
00075[] TRACE: < OK0000007576 [ACE: NCP state anged: 1
000007577 [net.p] TRACE: Nvent 00007579[] TRACE: > AT+CWLAP
0126 a] TRACE: < +CW(3,"blick",-4,"80:2a:a8:5a:c:26,5)SID=igibick security=wpa2 cl=5rssi-44
01013 [nat] TRCE:< +CLAP(4,"HUAWEI-Wmn7,-6,"2:cf:589c:cc:90",SID=HUA-Wmn7 s00010138 [ TRCE:< +CLAP:(3,"Rigiblick",-6,"802a:a:5a:32",1)
SID=Rigiblisecurity=wpa2 channe=1 ssi=9] RAC< +WLP:(4,_2._83,"b84d81:793cSID=unrse_2.4GHz_817938secrity=a2 3
0001014 [] TRAE:< +CWLA:(0"Lair-Guest",-84,feda:87:85SID=Lir-Gu security=unsecure channel=8 rss=-8
00000153] TRACE:+CWLAP:3,"Lai",-8,"fc:ecda:87:8",8)
SID=r securwpa2 channelssi=84
000010157 [at] TRACE: <+CWLAP:(,""-84,"0e:ec:da:87:85:9)
SID= securitpa2 hann=8 rssi-84
SID=Rigiblik seury=-85: < CWL3,"Rigiblck",-85,"80:2a14:df:4",9)
00001065 [] TRACE: <AP:36SD=QL-66pa2 channe=1 rsi=
000010 [ncat TRCCWLAP:(3,"Barmatt"9,"d1:91=Baamatt secy=wpa2 hannel3 rss=-80000014 [] TRACE: +CWLA:(3"IB",-8,7:c2:6:78",6)SID=IBO securiy=wp2 chanel6 s-89
0001078[] TRC: < +WLA:(4B84",9,"c:1:8:8:b84"SID=dlink-5B84 setphannl4si=-90
0011 TRAE <+WAP:3"omaci",-9f:c:f796",11)
SI=ci s channlssi=-90
SI=ihalcurwa cel=10 rssi=-91ef:13:3f:01:d8"1
00092 [nc.t]TRACE: < +CWLAP:4,Caad ene",-2,8:9:2a:f9:aSI=asdi penne seity=p2cha= si=-92
0017[c] TRACE: < +CWLP(,bnna Hz",9460:e
SIDanan.4GHz securiwpa cel=ss94Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001568 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001569 [] TRACE: < OK
haTRACE: NCP ready to tcommandRAC73 00IG00002gm0Ope u c
0056[s0710muxer]  G.10m raderFO: 0
002835  TRACE: < 007 Cachaed: 1P=0,3O: Resu27337ue channl
04[E: > ATMAC00288cp.t] TRACE: < +TM "e:a4:d1:fe:a4"
00002 [gsm0710muxer] IFO Sopin GSM07.10 muxer
000003053 [gsm0710muxeINF Reivnse to CLD or timout, exexe 2 aready NFSendin)
00000710muxer] INFO: GSM07.uxertin
00000357 [gs710muxer] INFO: GM07.0 muxer0003hal TRACE: NCP ed: 0
000003061 t.esp32ncp] T: NCnt 
005000 [system.nmtachged: DISABLED -> 
nfid=Riurity=wpa cipher=3
sid=Platz 7176 secty=w2 cipher=3
ilable access pos:
06305 [nACE: > AT
0000al] TRACE: Ny tceptAT commands
07310 [ncp.a] TRACE: < OK
0000731210muxer] Starting GSM0muxer
00007313 gsFO: Oping mux cha00000073 [gsm0710muxeINFO: GSM07.10 muxerhread sarted
00369 gNF eng000770 [s710muxer] INF smng hanel 1
00002 gmue IO007475[.aTRACE:>A
0000 [n
0000007578 [t.espcp] TRACE: NCP event 1
007580 [] TRAAT+CWLAP
10126 ] TRACEWLAP:Rigiblk",-46,"80:2a:a8:5a:c0:26",5)
D=Rigiblick security=wpa2 channe=5 rss-46
010132 at] TR:(4,"HUAWEI-Wmn,-67,"2c:f:58:9c:cc:90",1)
ID=HUAWEI-Wmn7 security=wpa2 ch=1 ri=-67
00010136 [] TRACE: < CWLAP:(3,"Rig,-68,"80:2a:a8:5a:c1:3,1)
igiblick securitwpa2 channel=1rssi=-68
000010139] TR+CWLAPiblick",-82,"80:2a:a4:df:4b"
114[ncpRACE: < +CWLAP:ist",3,"fc:da:85:92",8)
SIDLrred cnnl= ss=83
000008[npt] TRAE<+CLA:,"Sunris98-849:4d:81c",6)] TRACE: WAP,Li"-,"fc:ec:a8:5",8)
SIDLir euritchannel=8 -4
0010158 a RAC:< CLAP:3e:a:87:85:)
SD securit2canel=si=-500116ncpa TRACE: < +CWLA"ah",8,c9a:54:0c:d6:0d",1SD=Dahi ecuritpa2 hne=1rsi=-89
00006 [ncpa]RACE: < +C(3,"Batt",d::c2:61:91:18",3)S=Brmatt secuwpa2 hne3rs
0011 n.tAE<+WL("oaci",9"8f:cf75:96",11SIoi securitynl=1rssi-00075 .at A: < +CWLA4,"Q59_2",-97d:4:5:3d)
SD59_2ETecu=wp2cannel=3 rssi=-91
Ss=92[cat] TRACE: < +P(,"IO,92"7:c2:61:b8",6
00018[RAC C"ban2IDna 2.4GHz securityhanel=96
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001567 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001568 [] TRACE: < OK
ady temand000c0[ger
0002629 [gxer] IN Opu FO:1
002731 sm0710muxer] INFO: Rsu chal 1
02734 [] TRCT
002784 [] <] AE: > AT+CWCP=0
002834 [ncp.ACE: <K
000035 [hal] TRACE staea
0286et.esp32ncp] TRAC vt1
[ncp]E:+TMAC: "30:ae:a4:d1000286p.aRAE:< 
000287 sm0710mxO: SoppnM07.1 mx00000289 [sm10muxer] INFO: Gracfully stpg GSM07.10 muxer
00000291 gm0710muxer] INFO: Closin all muxhannels
000002893 [gsm0710muxer] NFO:losing channel 1
00000294 gsm0INFO:Muxedcha3000 [ndingpe0003m0710muxer] INFReceivedespose to CLD or timed out, ting multiple mode
00030gsm0710uxe] INFO: GSM07.1 muxe thexiting
00000305 [gsmmuxer] INFO: SM07.0 muxer stopped
000003057 [hal]TRACE: NCPstate chanet.esp32ncp] CE: NCP e0 [systnm] Itate changed: DISABLED ->ACE_DOWN
ured creden
id=Riibk security=wpa2 ciphsslatz7176 security=wpa2 cpher
able accnts:
.at] TCE: < OKl] accept ATcommands
000007309 .at] TRACE: +CMUX=0
00007311 [] TROK
0000732 m0710muxer] INF: Strting 0 muxer
0000731 [gsm0710muxer] INO: Og mux channel 000007315 0uxe] INO:  ertrea ted
000007371 [INFO: Oping m channel 1
m0710muxer] IN: Resumin channel 1
0007472 [m0710muxer] NFO: Resumng cha0000007475 [ncp.aTRACE: >
525 [] TRA: < OK
TRACE: < O[ncp.a] TRACE: > AT+CWDHCP=0,3
0000076 [hachanged:1
00000075[net.esp32ncp] TRAE: NC event 1
0000757 []TRACE> AT+CWLAP
00010126 [ncat] TRACE< +CWLAP:,-46,"80:2a:a85c0:26",5)
ID=igiblick security=annel=5 i=-46
00010132 [ncp.a] TRCE: < +CWLAP:(4,"WEI-Wmn7",-2c:cf:9c:cc:90",1)
SID=iicurity2 chnl1rs-72annel=1 ssi=-000006[ACE<+WA:(3,"Riblik,7,8:a",1)
0004 npat TRACE<+LP(,Srise_2.48173"-3"bSDSusecurtwachal=6 s=-83
00004] TRA <+A:(,Rgick",-80:2:81:fb",9)
SD eritywa5 TRACE: +WAP:3",87:8:2,8
00155p T: < +CWLAP:(3air"-5"fcd885:92)
001] TRAC<+AP:(,Lairest"6,"f:da:87:85:8)
SDair-Guest securitnseuecal rssi=-
000010168 [ncp.atRC:<+WA(Baatt,9,d1:c2:61:9,3)
SDaarmatt securitpe si=-91
000112[] TRACE: LAP:(si"-1"754:0c:d6:0)
SIDDshty=wa hne=ssi=-91
0010185 [] AE< +A:3"Warup",-93,"ec:f4:7c1"1)",6SDCsa di penne securia canl6rs00108[] TRACE: CLA,Di,3"88:f7:c7:4f:75:91
SDecuywpa2 channel=11 si-3
01098 [] TRACE<K9< +C,zq-"1c:20",1)Szchann-95
12uxerINO Op000sm0710m INFO: Resuming chanel 2
000010283 [al TRACE: Connecting to Rigiblik"
FI CO0000.esp31[aapi]O: : td> l] INFO:listanged
00016 [.ifapiCie8Cd
05m.5shinswii cud
0005steckineay tus io o 0015-
oc0 WJ
00 ["ck"a0E: O > JP0aI.T0aa1E:K
ervoftn.R]"Ri,"80::0138] TRACE: < c0 p003
0[g neenterg0ymead Servr:,p-m0800yssi daais8 O: 804 sT8ce94ACEp 304 op0149syin04 odk=0, connected .681sy3000
ssF: t connected
015181 [RA  T+ TRA0196 [comm.dtls]:Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001568 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001569 [] TRACE: < OK
0002570 [hal] TRACE: o] TRACE: > ATUX073 [nRACE< OKxerrting.0000576 0muxux  02576 [gsm0710mu] IFO S.suminne0000629 [gsm0710mr] O penning uel 1
02734 [] TRACE:>Ae
0002785 [nCE < K
0RA:OK0283 P sted: 1
00028tC en00000283 [ncp.atRACE: > ATTMAC=0
0in GSM00028gsm0710muxrNFcefully stng GSM7.10ACE
00gsm0710muxr] IFO osinls
0000282 gsm0710muxer] INFO:osing mu anne
000004 [gs00mxeFO: Muxed neleady clod
00000289[m0r]INFO: Muxed channel ready clo
000002897gsm0710muxer] INFO: Mxhannel4 l[gsm0710O:ending er close0003050 [gsm0710muxer] INFO: ved rese toCLD r timed out, exitingltiplexeode
000003053 [gsm071er] INFO: GM07.0 muxer threadxi
00003054 [gsm710r]: SM07.10 muxer stopped
0000030l] RACE: NCP state ched: 0
00000057[net.esp32nc]RACE: NCP even 1
[systeINFO: State chaABLE> Icnfigured credentials:
Rigiblia2 cipher=3
sid=Pl6 securpa2 ble access poins:
00O007307 [hal] TRACEP rea tods
0000073[] TRACE: < OKUX=0
000007311 [sm0710uxer] INFO: Stng GS07.000000733 [gsm0710muxer] INFOpennin mux hannel 0
0000736INFO:Opening ux channel 1channel 0
sm0710muxer] INFO Resumig channel 1
00000747 [gsm0710muxer]: Reuming ch
0007524 [ncp] TRAE: < OK:  AT
0000007[] TRACE:0007573 [] TRACE: < OK
000007574 [hal] TRAE: NCP state changed: 1
000005 [net000007577] TRACE: > A] TRACE: < "blick,-47,"80:2a:a8:5a:c0:26",5)SSD=Rigipa2 channel=5rssi=-47000000130 [] TRACEWLAP:(4"HUAWEI69,"2c::58:9c:cc:90",1)
SID=HUAWEI-Wmn7 scurity=wpa2 chanel=1 rss=-69
00010135 [] < +CWLAP:(3,"Rigiblick",-71"80:2a:5a:c1:32",1)SID=Rigilick security=wpa2 chan1
000010139 [] : < +CWLAP:(4,"Srise:d9:48:3c",
SDSniechann si8
0014[cpat TRACE: < P:(3"ar,8,:85:9,
SID=air secuwpa2canl-87001 cat] TRACE: +CWLP(,"-87,0e:ec:da::2",
00000105 nt E< +CWLA"Lai-us"-7"fe:ec:da:87:85:)
SID=ars euiyuecured channel=8-700056 p] RC:<+W,"IBO",-89,"d0:17:1b78"6
SID=O srity=canel=6 -9
SID=Doa y=wpa h1 rs=-90omaci",-90,"88:f7:c756"11)
001064 [cat CE: <WP:(3,"Bat,-1"01:c:61:91:18",
010168 [] E  CLP(,"Dashi",-9:a:40:60,11)
SI=si ecurity=wpa2nel=1rs=91
SDMh ec=10 rs=-3: WAP(,Mhjo",-93,"e4:6f:1f0:"10DCdipenne security hnl6ri-92
0000010181 [ncp TRA,"banana 2.4GHz4,"0e:275:e:5e",12)
SIDbanana 2.wpanel1 si94

What you won't see is Argon blinking me an SOS+14 error.

Ok, I gathered some more logs.

$ particle serial monitor --follow
Polling for available serial device...
Opening serial monitor for com port: "/dev/ttyACM0"
<~ omitted the first try ~>
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001567 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001568 [] TRACE: < OK
025[gs710O: r [] IN:n0002710] INOpennin nel 1g: sum channe00s0muxer] :eu1
28.atACE:OKRAC A0002[] TRA0 RAE: >+CWD
00002838al] TRC:C000284[nep32ncp  even0000284 [nca]RAC > AT+ETMAC=0 < GC: "00000889 n.TRACE: < O
0002890gsm0710INFO: pping GSM07.
000[gsm0710muxer]O: aceflly000na009 c
00[g7m FO: enCLD (muplexer close down)
0000 [gs071muxer INFOceived rep timed out, xiti multiplexed mode
000003058 [0710muxer]  muxer thrad eitig
000003063[net.esp32ncp] TRAC NCP event 1
00m.nm] IN: Sta changed: DISABLED -> IFCEWN
nfigued credents:
id=Rigib security=wpa2 cipher=3
ssd=Plapa2 ciphe3
availabe ants:
007 [0[ncp.a T AT
7308hal] T: Ndy t accept AT00000731 [] TR: > A+CMU=0]RACE: < OK
0000730muxer] INFO: Starting G0m0mur]Iannel
007m0710xe F S07.1xrtrad
000069 [gsm0710uxerming chnnel 0
000007371 m0710mux] I: Ohann
0074[gsm0710muxer] INFO: Resung chanel 1
0000074 [g0710muxer] INFO: Resumihannel 1
000074] TRE: > AT
007 [] T: < O000007TRACE: > AT+C=0,3
0007577 [nTRACE: < O
07578 [ACE: P st 1
00net.esp32nc TRACE: NCeven1
00007582 [] TRACE: > ATCWLAPncp.TRACE:+CWLAP:(3,"Rigblick",-"80:2a:a8:5a:c:26",5)
ID=Rigiblick security=wpa2nne rssi=-46
ID=Dashi secrity=wpa2 c1 rssi=77",-77,7c:9a:54:0d6:0d",1)
000010138cat] TRACE: WLA,"Ri85:c32"
00010142 [ncp.atTAE<+WAP(4,"HUAWEI-Wmn7",ccf8c:c90",1)
SUWI-Wmn7 security=wpa2hnnl=si=2
SDusecrw2can4CE:  +CWA:,"Sse_24z_817938",8,b:94:8:79:3c",6)
0010 [nct] TCE: < +CWLAP:(3,Rilik-84,0144",)
SDgbik serity=wpa2 chanel= ssi-4
SIair-ues scurity=useuredcannel rssi=-85fc:da85:9",8
000111 [.at ACE: < +A(,i"-8,"fc:ec:da:87:59"8
000010165 [] RACE  CAP:4sxv-71624",-87,"d4:63ecf:4,
Ssxv-12 security=wpa2 chanel= ss=-87
000010169 [npa]TAC:<+(4,"cu172"9,d4:63:fe:5:48,1
SDcu19 security=wpa2 hnel= si-0001075 np.t] TRACE:  CWLA:3"aamt",-90,"d:7:c2:19:1"5
SI=amatt security=wpa2ca= rsi-9
0011[n] TRCE:  CW:(4,"dln-B4",-91c198fc::84",4)
S=likB84 security=wp2cha=4 rs-1000118] TRACE:  WLP(,tr--+CWLf1::911
9_2ea200199 :hFA010 [INFewl0214 emate ge> ACP0gOpeuh010281 [gs0710muxer] INFO: Rechannel000l]  Connecting to "Rigiblick"
 [nc] TRACEFp.OK
013 Ne linU0001tn_UPE_LACE: Statdvn
49 NFO: State chan E  IP_CONICkce c
ys ei>] TRACE: > ATWJAP?lic"000013595 ncpc136E:P10.35.55.1
03646 [] C> 0009 [] TRACE:  +RiJA0cpSo] T:i5a:c-40013795 [n.atg
d to device server CoAteonnection only)
cct0sm ei0 s $.sstem] ERROR: ossio
0stem] INFcgata
4305 [em TRe0fce68b49e44cd99fm.paert ysm] TRACE: ufily=2,p01: Cloud sock25.190#5684
 ACE: Cloud sock,0#58
01TA p cloud keepalive for  > 0[sy Applying ni0[e0144:Elish nnecn
443] TR<0com.Status=2
0000060233 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000060236 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000060238 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000060490 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000060491 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000061238 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000061240 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000061243 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000061245 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000061248 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000061292 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000061293 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000061295 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000061297 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000061300 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000061302 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000061304 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000061305 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000061307 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000061523 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000061542 [] TRACE: < 5
0000061543 [] TRACE: < OK
0000061546 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
0000107188 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000107190 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000107193 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000107444 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000107445 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000108193 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000108195 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000108198 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000108200 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000108202 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000108343 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000108344 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000108346 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000108348 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000108351 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000108353 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000108355 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000108357 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000108360 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000108579 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000108593 [] TRACE: < 5
0000108594 [] TRACE: < OK
0000108598 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001567 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001568 [] TRACE: < OK
02574 [gsm0xO tig05 I Opng mnel
00006 [s0mr] GSM07.10 mu he trd
000231[s:Oeng mx 0ghannel
0002733 [eesumichannel
00785] TRACE O.aCWDHCP=,3
00< O0000p]]: TM.10
01er]NOlluxchne000[g710 m [m10 ale cd
[7uxag710xer: Mclod02m0710muxer] INFO: g CLD0m070muxer] INFO: Receivd resp CLD or timng ltiplex mode
00000305[gsm0710mxer] INFO:GSM07.10 muxer thread xiting
000003059 [gsm0710muxr] INO: GSM07.10 med
00003060[hal] TRACE: NP stated: 0
00000062 [net.es2ent 1
0 [sysStae chned:DISABDOW
onfigured creialssid=Riblick secuityr=3
sid=Platz 7176security=wcipher=3
vailabe access points:
00006 [ncpt] TRACE: 7308 [CP ready tept AT commands
007309 [] TRA> AT+CMUX=0
00007311 [ncat] ACE: < OK
000007312 [gsm0muxer] INFO: Sing GSmuxe
0000014 [gsm0710uxer] 7.10 muxe thread stared
0000710muxer] NFming channel 0
0000074 [gsm071O: Opng mux channel 1
000750muxer] INFO:Resumin channel 1
0000750 [gsm0710muxer] : Resuming channel 1 [] TRACE: > A7573  < OK
00007575 [] TRACE: > CWDHCP
00000076al] TRA: NCP state change
000007626 [ne.esp32ncp] TRAC: NCP eve 1
00000762[] TRACE: > AT+AP
0174 [E: < +CWAP:(3,"Rigiblick",-47,"80::a8:D=Rigiblck security=wpa2 cl=5 rssi=-47
000101 [] : < +CWLAP:(3,"Rigibli,-69,"80:2a:a8:5a:c1:32",1)SSD=Rigiblick security=2 channel1 rssi=-69] TRACE: < +CWLAP:(3,"Dash78,"7c:9a:54:0c:d6:0d",1)
SID=Dashi security=wa2 0000010[] TRACE: < +CWLAP:(4,HUAWEI-Wmn7"-80,"2c:cf:58:9c:cc:90",1)
SID=HUAWEI-Wmn7 swpa2 chan rs=-80
00019] E  C:4Sunise_2.4GHz_8179382,"8dd8::3c",6)
=Sunris_817938 secuit=pa2nners82
SDrscr=wpa hnel=8 rssi=-844,"fc:ec:da:87:858
00000] TR < CWLAP:3,",-5,a:87:5:2,8)
SID secty=w cha=8 si=-85
01020npa] ACE: <W(,Q-5_G7,7:940:7:d,3)
SDQ-_2GEXT secpaannlrssi7
00010 [nt] CE: CL,"Riib",-80:8:14b"
SDRgibl curity=wpa2 chal9r-8
Sadrup sc=wphne=1 s=89
001027 np TRC:<WLAP("armatt",-90,"d0:176:8"5
SDa2 chnl= ri-t] AP:(3"Doa:d7:8)
ann1 rsi-029 caWLAP:"dnc:1Ddk-5B8curywa hnnls
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001567 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001568 [] TRACE: < OK
 ACE: NCP ready to acm000002570 [tRE:X=0
0000 <
00000NFO:tgG.10 muxer
002575 sm07ning ann
0210mux] I1 0 [] IN an000s0png mhl 1I:R
000023 [gsm0710muxer] INFO:esumng chan 1
000002734 [nc] : >
4pE: OK
00276 [] TRACT
004 [] TRE: <
0a et.epcp RACE:P event 1
002: > AT+G
[] TMAae::d2886] CE7 [sm0710muxer] INFOtopping G7.10
0002888 [gsm0710muxer] IFO: Gacef stoping GSM07.10 muxer000000890uxe071ux 893O Muxe clo0008] IN: xe: xe99 0muxer]ISniilexe00003051 [gm0710muxer] INFO:eived esponse to CLD or timed out, exitinultiple mode
00003054 [gm0710muxer] INFO: GSM07.10muxer thrd exiting
00003056 [gsm0710uxer] INFO: GSM07. mustopped
0000al] TRACd: 0
000003059 net.esp32ncpRACE: NC event 1
00005: Stae chaged: DISABOWN
nfigured credentia
ssid=latz 7176 security= cipavailcce0000630at]
0000 [n < OK
0007310] E: > AT+CMU000073 [ncp.t] TRACE: <OK
007313 [gs0710muxer] INFO:arting GSM07.10 muxe
0000015 [gsm0710muxerINFO: Openn mux channe
00ming channel d
07472m07Resuming cha1
007475 [] TRACEAT
07525 [] TRCE: < OK
0000077 [] TRACE: > A+CWDHCP=0,3
7575: < OK
al] TRA N0000007578 [n2ncp] TRACE: NCP ev 1
10126 [] TRACE: +CWLAP:(3,80:2a:a8:5a:c0:
ID=Rigblick securit=wpa2 channel=5 rssi=-41
00010130 [ncp.aCWLAP:(3,"Riglick"-65,"80:2a:a8:5a:c1:32",1)
SID=Rigiblick security=wpa2 chal=1 rssi=-65
00010133 [] TRACE: WLAP:(3,"Dashi",-74,"7:54:0c:d:0d",1)
SSIDDashi security=wpa2 chan74] LAP:(4,"HUAWI-WSSID=Hnel=1 rssi=-76
000010140 [] TRACE:< +CWLAP:(4"Sunrise_2.4GHz_817938",78,"b8:d:4d:81:79:3c",6)
SSunrise_2.4GHz_817938 securit=wpa2 cnnel=6 rssi=-78
000010145 [] TRACE: < +CWLAP:(3,Baarmatt",83,"d0:17:c2:61:91:18",5)
SSD=Baarmatt security=wpa2 channel=5 i=-83
0010148 [] TRACE: CWLAP:(3,"Domaci",-8,"88:f7:c7:4f:75:96",11)
pa2 channel=11 rssi=0000010151 [ncp.aRACE: < +CWAP:(c:f4:51:67c9:1c",11)
SSD=Wadrup security=wpa2 channelrssi=-85
000Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001568 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001569 [] TRACE: < OK
 reaT commands
00000 [ < OK
000710N pennmuxm7FO:SM07trted
0 INemgnnel 0
00002730 [gsm O0007]] TRE>ncp]000[ncp.]CE: 000OK
000002 [c] TRACE: < OK002885 []:< +T "30:ae:a4:d1:fe:a4"
0002887gm0uxer] INFO: Stopg GSM07uxer008g0710muxe]NOGracefully stopping GSM mu00289gsm]INFOl2 710muxer] INFO: 29m0710muxsm0710mueGS0 muxer treadxiting0muxer]ReceivresponsD or tmed out, exitig mplexedode
00003057.10ux s] A NCged:0] TC5000 [systm.nm] INFO: State changed: DISABLED -> ICE_nfigured creden:Riici=3
avale access points:ncp.] TRAC
0006 [nK
00007307 ] TRAE:os
000007308 [ncp.atACE: >AT+CMU
00007310 [ncp.atCE: OK
0000731Starng GSM07.1uxer
00007313 O: Openninmux cannel 0
000007313 [gsm071uM07.0mx ead 00007366 [gsm0710muxer] I Resuming 0
007368 sm070muxer] INFO: nning muannel 007468 [gsm0NFO: Resumchannel 1
0 [gsm0710muxer] NFO:ng channel
0000 TRACE: AT
0007523 [ncp.atTCE OK
00000525 n > ATCW0007573 [] TRACE <
000esp32ncp] TRACNCP event1
00007578] TRACE: WLAP
24 [] TRACE: < AP:(3,"Rigiblick"-45,"80:2a:a8:5a:c0:SID=Rigiblick securty=a2 channel=rssi=-45
000010131 [ncpat] TRP:(4,"HUAWEmn7",-74,"2c:1)
SD=HUAWEI-Wmn7 security=wpa2 nel=1 rssi-74
010135 [ncp.aTRACE: < +CWL(3,"Rigick",-4,"80:2a:a8:5a:c1:32,1)
ID=Rigick security=wpa2 channel=1 rss
000010139 [] TRACE: < +CWLAP:(,"Dashi",-74,"7c:9a:54:c:d6:0d",1
SID=Dashisecurity=wpa2 channel=1 rss00000143 [] TRACE: < +AP:(4,"Sunrise_24GHz_817938",-80,"b8:d9:4d:81:7:3c",6)
S=urs.4GHz_817938 sec=wpa2cne=s=-0
0008nCWLAP0Lar-ues:92",S=ityuncre hnel2
000115] C: +WLA,"","eec:da:87:85",8)
00115 nt] TRACE+WA:3i",:85:28
SI=igibliseurit=wp2chnel=9 rssi=ck",8,":2a:a8:14:df:4b
000014 [cp.atAE <+CWA:,i",-8,8f7:4f96"
SI=oai seuity=wpa2 ch= ss=
00169[nct RE:  CWLAP:"59_T",-":d2:94:05:75:3d)
SI=QL-359_2GEXT securita ca= rsi=89
000ncp RC  WL:(4,"tkr-89824",-4:8ba,6)SID-n=0010ncpt< +CA,1)2 cha=11 i001 c.< L-93,=ecun =
0000c]LAP:("HPnAro 60,"3-Pri-ro ecp2ch0008 [E:  WLAP4,iae:3:1dSIMhchan
onectn  i<K
sysnm] FACE_- IAERP
0127 [.ifai NFO: Netist P
000219 sse.]IO: State ch: IFC_EUT]IF:Oeing mux channe
00010279 [gsm0710mur] INFO:suming channel 2
000081 [hal] TRACE: Connecting t "Rigiblic
] TRA < OT
013NCPe0.e c v0fap000e:AP -> NSg
0001Nincg0186 [system.r_enb008snm] INFStat: IAONFG39ym.nm Chiae013594CE:AT
1 p.TRJAP:02:-46000ocalP8
007 [] TRACE: < +CW"Ri:a8a
04[< OK00TRA > WJApJ:"il0039RACE SererIP=0.0.0(0
000Tc100013845 :9ncRACE < +CRgi""46
ysemIging connection od ud
stemI Cl cket connec01andsh5[cCE:[ncat] TCE K0ENEG,NO_SESS,0000060585 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000060588 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000060589 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000060841 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000060842 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000061589 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000061591 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000061593 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000061595 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000061597 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000061642 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000061643 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000061645 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000061647 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000061650 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000061652 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000061654 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000061655 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000061658 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000061874 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000061891 [] TRACE: < 5
0000061892 [] TRACE: < OK
0000061896 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
0000107489 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000107491 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000107493 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000107745 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000107746 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000108493 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000108495 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000108499 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000108502 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000108504 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000108593 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000108594 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000108596 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000108598 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000108600 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000108602 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000108604 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000108607 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000108609 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000108819 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000108842 [] TRACE: < 5
0000108844 [] TRACE: < OK
0000108847 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001568 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001569 [] TRACE: < OK
00ACE: CP r T c071cp.0025 npaRACE: < OK
0070FO: triS07er
Oennngx channel 000057uxer] INFO: M07.10 rrd started
000002630 [gsm071:e00021 gsm0710muxer]  ig x02muxer] INFO:  channel
000002734 [gsm071] F: esum channel 1
0736[np TRAC>00OK]TCE: > T+WDHC00p.CE: < OK0037Ns00E: N
00002 O TRA: < +GETMAC: "30:ae:a4:d1:f:a
000009 [gsm0710muxer] IO: Stopg S.10 muxer
00894 [gsm0710muxer] I: Closimux 0sm071nnel 2 eady0gsm0muxe] INFO: Muxed chnn3 aread0gsm071uxer] INFO:hannel  already c000003052 [gsm0710m INFO: Reved resse to CLD or tim exiting mplexedmoe
0003054 [gs071FO: GS7.1muxread000000306 [gsm710mFO: GS07.10 muxetoped
00003058 [hl] TRACE 0003059 32ncp] TRAC: NC even005000 [sstem. INFO: State cangedSABLWN
iick security=wiper=3
ssidPlatz 6 security=
avlable accessnts:
00000630 [] TRACE: < OK000ACE: P ready taccept AT] T+CMUX=0]
0000731gsm0710muxer] INFO: Starting GS07.10 muer
0007314m0710er] INFO: Openning mux channel0
00000315 [gsm0710muxer INFO: SM10 muxer thread tarted
7368 [gsm0710muxerINFO: Rumichannel0
0000370 [gsm710muxer] INFO: Opennig mux hannel 1
 [0mr] INFO: Resumin channel 1
00007473 gsm010muxer] channel 1
000007475 [] TRACE:] 007527 [ncp.at3
07576 [ncp] TRACE: < OK
0007577 hal] : NCP ste chaed: 1
000007579 [32ncpTRACE: NCP event 1
0007581 [] TRACE: > AT+WLAP
ACE: AP:(0:2a:8:5a:c0:26)
ID=Rlick security=wpaannel=5] TRACE: ,-75,"7c:9a:4:0c:d6:0d",1)
0000010137 [ < +CWLAP:(4,"Hmn7",-72c:cf:58:9c:cc:90",1)
S security=wpa2 chnnel=1 rssi=-70000010140 [ncp. TRACE: < +CWLAP:(Rigiblick",-79,"80:a8:5a:c1:3)
0000at] RC:  CL_8173,8"b8d:d:81:9",6)SID=938 scuriywchal=6 s-83
00118[] TE  WAP(,85,f:ecda:87:59",8)
00010153 [ncp.atTACE  +CWA:4,"dnk-5B86"98:85:84",4)
SIdink=wpa2canel= si-86
0010[nt] CCWLAP:(0,"Lair-st"-7f:cd:87:85:92",8)
ID=Li-Gue seuuseudnnel=8 rss
000011[] : <+CP("e:ec:da:87:85:92",8)
I= ecurta hn8 si-000016 cp.aTRACE: < +CWLAP:(4,"QL392GEX"8,8:d2:94:05:75:3d"
=-359_2GEXuriywa nnel3 rs88
001[nct] E +ick,8,"80:a8::df:b,9):19:",5
SIigibck scurit2hnnl si00017 npat] TR CL3"ad,-89,"ec:f4::c9:"11)
000118 [c.a] RACE: < +WLP:3,D",-9:4f:75:96"1=Domaci security=whnnel=11i=-92
00t] TRC:<+LAP:(4,",-92,"e8:b:5d7:8"1)SD= ecriy=wpa2 cl11 rsi-2
000010191cp.a] RCE:LAP:fpt-10955",-94:f4:1e:944e",1SIDfpt-195 security=channe=1 rs=-9
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001569 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001570 [] TRACE: < OK
1 [hal]EC to accept AT command00072 [] : >+CM025 00] NO:gGS0FO: pningx ch
0000005G hd started
63gsm0710muxer]Fi062 mhannel 1
002732 [gsm0710muxumich4 [gsm07uxerINFORe000736 [.atRACE: >  C:<
 ncp > +CW0TR:Oad: 1 ven1
021 [ncp.aTRACE: > AT+GETMAC=0
00002887 [ncatAC < +GET "30:ae:a4:d1:fe:a4"0000888 [] TRACE: < O02889 [0muxer]StopgM 00sm10muxer] INO:ullysng GSM07.uxer
00083 [gsm0710mNFO: losig ll muxeannels
0005 [gsm0] INFO: Closmux chanel
000008sm0710mr] INFO: Muxed challosd
0000299 gsm710muxer] INFO: Muxeannel 3 alrady csed
0000901 [gm0ed chann alread c000300[gsm0710muxeINF: Sending CLD(mutiplexer close down)
4 [gINFO: Reed responseo exiting mlt000057 [gsm710uxer] INFO: GSM07.10 muxr treadxiting
0000003061 [hTRANCPe 0000003062[net.esp32ncTRACent 1
000050systemnm] INF StaD -> IFAE_DOWN
onfigured credels:
sid=Rigsecur cipher=3
ssi==wpa2 ciphe=3] TRAC AT
00006306 [] OK
00[hl] TRC
0TRACE:  +CMUX=000000731 [] C:  OK
00000731 [gsm071r IF: Sttng GSM07.10 muxe000031 er] IF:Openngx chnnel 0
0000713 gs0muxer] INFO: G10 mue eadrted
00007366 [g INF: Resuming ch0
007368 [gsm0710mu] INFO: Opng muel 1
10muxer] INFResug channel 1
0007470 [gsm0710muxer] IFO: Resuming cannel 1
0007472 [] TR AT
0007523 [] ACE: < O000007525 [] TRACE: AT+CWDHCP=0,3
07573 [ncp.atTRACE:  OK
00007575 [ TRACE: NCP state changed: 1
000007576 [.esp32ncp] TRACE: CP event 1
010124 []ACE: +CWLAP:(3,"Rigiblick",-49,0:2a:a5a:c0:26,5)
SID=Rigiblick security=wchannel=5 ssi=-49
000010RACE: < +CWLAP:(3,"Rigilick","80:2a:a8:5a:c1:32",1)
SID=igy=wpa2 hanel=1rssi=-70
00001035 [] TRACE: <WLAP:4,"HAWEIWmn7",-75,"2ccf:58:9c:cc:0",1
SID=HUAWEI-Wn7 security=wpa2 hanne rsi=-5
00001140 [] TRACE: < +CWL:(4,"Surise2.8",-81,"b8:d:4d:81:9:3c,6)
SIDunrse_2.4GHz_817938 secrity=wp2 chane=6 rs0001015 [] TRACE:< +CWLAP(0,"L-Guest,-8,"f:ec:da87:85:2",8)
SID=airest securitsecredanne=8 ssi=-83
0000 [nc] TRAC: < +CWLAP:(3,"Rigilick"-880:2a::14:
SID=igibick securit=wchnnl=9000010 [nc] TRAC<+CWLAP:(3,"",-0e:ecda8:85:9"8)
0000017] TRACE: < CWLP:3,Lai",-86,"fc:ec:da:87:8592,8)
SID=Laicurty=pa2 carssi=-86
SIDi seunel=11 rsi-873,Dmaci",-87,"88:f7:c7:4f7596,1)
00[ TAE: < +CW:(,"Baarmatt",-92,"d0:c2:1:1:18,5)
SD=Baamtt ecrity=wpa2 chel5 ss=-9
000170 [] RA: < +CWLAP:(3,up,92,"e:4:67:1c",11)
SID=Wdup seurity=wpanne=1ssi-9
SID=QL-359_2GE=wa chanel= rssi=-93EXT",-93,"78:d2:94:5d",3
000018[] TRACE: < P:(3,f105,,"ec:f4:51:ed:4"1)
Sft95 sity=annel=11 rssi=
000018ncpa TRACE: < OKonncigt Wi,"1:2:d:3d:f3:1)
15 sm.nm] INFO: Statecngd:CEDOWN -> IFAUUP
0120 [neti IO eif l
00122systINFOSe che: FA_REQUEST_UP -> IFACE_001021 s710muxeINFO: Openning mux n200010277 [gsmr] INFO: Re000001279 [hal] TRACE: Connecting to "Rigck"
000e.e g nt: 2
0nm] O:P
579 [hal] INFO: i aned
01niRACE: Netif wl3uhng
00158 [systen] TE035 sysmchanLIFIGURED
u01373cat] TR80::a8:",5,-463[8 ncp.cP01ncp.aTRAE>A136p] TRARibl06",
01378 Cb8a:aa:c0:26",590 .at] TRACE: <Ks (of0 TRACE: > AT+CW
00TW?013888 p.A8c",5890 ] <tay=-20
e.spcte ecnecntcloud
00141st1em]FO: RSern foesi0001459
01ud ockettype=2, protocol=17
0 INFO: d konnect.225.0564
0014]RAC:loud socket=0, cted t.15569e TRACE: Uping kepl 300ytem] T:ng eepa inw
4[ytO tshakres_anuncol.handshake] INFEsta3nTRAE: < 5
1a01cNOES,ERR) restoreStatus=2
0000060683 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000060685 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000060688 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000060940 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000060941 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000061688 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000061690 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000061692 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000061694 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000061697 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000061739 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000061740 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000061742 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000061745 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000061747 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000061749 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000061751 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000061753 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000061755 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000061966 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000061989 [] TRACE: < 5
0000061989 [] TRACE: < OK
0000061993 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
Serial connection closed.  Attempting to reconnect...
Serial monitor opened successfully:
0000001567 [] TRACE: > AT
0000001568 [] TRACE: < OK
 hal] TRACE: NCPdy to act ATc] T
00pTRACE:0INFOStarS0[gmux l025gsm0710muxer] INFM07.d stated
028 [g] Ringnnel
er O: umhnt] T A
00002834 [ncp.] TRACE:
002838 [] TRACE: >ATMAC=0028 [ncp.a]RACE: < +GETMAC0:ae:a4:fe
000002886 []AC: < O00000287 [gsm071er INFO: topi
0000088[mGracefuy topping GS10 muxer
0000280 [g10muxer]NFO Cloing l000002892gsm071muxClosing mux chann1
004 IN ed chanel 2 already cd
00002896 [g10muxerMuxed nnel 3 alreay closed
000002897 [gsm0murchannel 4 alre close0029ndng CLD (multir loe don
0000005[gm0 GSM7.1muer had exitingmultiplexed mode
00005000em.ate changed: DIAB -> IWN09 ne.esp32ncp] TRCE: NP ent 1
siity=wpa2iph=3ssid=z 716 srir=3
ale access ints:
06E: > AT
00p.atTR: < OK
07hal] TRACE: Nrdo accepT coms
07309 ] TE: > AT+CMUX0
0000710m] Id sa368710muxer]INFO: channel07370 [gsm0710muxer] INO: pennichanne1
7471 [gs0710muer] INFO: Resuming hannel 1
000007473 [gsm0710muxerINFO: Resu00007475 [] TRACE: > AT
52t] TRACE: < O
0007527 [] TRACE: > T+CWDHCP=0,3
007575 [ OK
0007576 [ha TRACE: NCP state ced: 1
00007578 [net.espncp] TACE: 00000758[] TRACE: > AT+CWLAP
TRACE  +CPiglick",-52,80:2aa8:5a:c0:6",
D=Riba2 channel5 rss=-5200010132 [cp.a] RACE: <+CWLAP:iblick",-76,"80:2a:a8:5:c132",1)
SIDRigilick securtssi=-760001037 [] TRACE:< +CLAP:4,"HUWEI-Wmn7",-78,"2c:cf:589cc:90",1)
SID=HAWEIWmn7 security=wpa2 hannel1 rssi=78
00001011 [.atTRACE: < +CWLAP:3,"ash",-7,"7c:9a:54:0c:d6:0d",1)
SID=Dshi security=wpa2 cha1i=-78] TRCE:< +CLAP:(4,"SunriseGHz_81798",-848:d9:4d:1:79:3c",6)
SID=nrse_2.4GHz_817938 security=pa2chanel=6 rssi
000010149 [cp.t] TRACE: < +CWLAP:(3"Laic:da87:85:92",8)
000010153 ncpat] RACE: < +WLAP(3igiblik",-86,"80:2a:8:1df4b",)
SID=igibick securitywp2 channel9 rsi00001158 ncCE: <+CWLAP:(,ir-Guet",88,"fe::da:87:85:92"SD=Lait securiy=usecred channel=8 rsi=-8
00001[ncp.t] TRACE: < +CWLAP:(4,"QL-59_GEX,-,"78:d2:94:05:753d",a2 chanel=8 ssi=-88
SID=QL3592GET annel= rss-90
000010[]TRA< +CWLAP:(3,"Wadru-90"ec:f4:5167:c9:1,11)
00001017 [] RACE: < +CLAP(3,"Baarmatt",-91,"d0:17:2:6191:18"5)
SID=Barmatt security=wpa2 cnel=5 rssi-91
000010182 TRACE:< +CWLAP:(mai"-92,"88:c7:4:75:96",11)
SI=Domac security=wpannerssi=-92
000010186cp] TRCE: <+WLAP:(4,"",-92,"e8:b:81:b:d74"11
S= secrty=wpa2 channel=1ss=-92
00000190 [ TRA <OK
onnetig to WFi
000010198 systm] INFStte chage:IFACE_DOWN -> IFACE_RT_UP
00010203 netifi] INFO: Netif l3ste UP
00000205 sytm.nm] IFO: Sat change:QUEST_UPIFCE_UP0013 [gsm0710r INFO:ening x channel 2
0010279 [gsm010muxer] INFO: Resming channel 2
0010281[hal] TRACE: Connecting to"Rigiblick"
at]C< 1l:NPcnnstate changed: 2
0t.encp]RACE:ent 2
06 [p] A Staagnt:2
00318if w l mnm]S FAK_U2if 4  TRACE:FStae ced: IFAOID
001 T+C00000 <WJAb0:2a06,403:<alIP=10.35.550013646 []E: P0"ickaCE: ue.0
O0p.] TRACE: JAP:"Rig,
303TR7 [] TRACE: < +JP:a::,0079 [] CE: < O
38TRACE: igibc::a8:5a:c0:26"70138hervI.0.0
89 [at] TRic,"8000ACE: iewad
 ice seg conl
ncn00ystem.nm] stas witevi9[m] INF142 tem: Seressype:mesh0yloart0 [semINF:ion d000 y T90.udp-mesh.particle.i40e:9 [s] T00] F conctt[syst]RC:d sockee 354
0syst INos45yINFO: Sng esense_anno407 [cool.hash
0000060332 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000060334 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000060337 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000060588 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000060589 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000061337 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000061339 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000061342 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000061344 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000061346 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000061390 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000061392 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000061394 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000061397 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000061399 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000061402 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000061404 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000061405 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000061407 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000061620 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000061640 [] TRACE: < 5
0000061641 [] TRACE: < OK
0000061644 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
0000107187 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000107189 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000107192 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000107444 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000107445 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000108192 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000108194 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000108197 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000108199 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000108201 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000108542 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000108544 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000108546 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000108548 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000108550 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000108553 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000108555 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000108556 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000108559 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000108778 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000108792 [] TRACE: < 5
0000108793 [] TRACE: < OK
0000108797 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
0000154385 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000154388 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000154390 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000154641 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000154642 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000155390 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000155392 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000155395 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage
0000155397 [system] INFO: Discarding session data
0000155400 [system] TRACE: Resolving
0000155442 [system] TRACE: Address type: 3
0000155444 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000155445 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000155448 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000155451 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 30000 -> 30000
0000155453 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000155455 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000155457 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000155459 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000155670 [] TRACE: > AT+MVER
0000155692 [] TRACE: < 5
0000155693 [] TRACE: < OK
0000155696 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2

I’d say the interesting parts are at the bottom:

0000154385 [comm.dtls] ERROR: handshake failed -6800
0000154388 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: handshake failed with code 17
0000154390 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=17
0000155395 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage

We’re moving into a support ticket, but will post an update once the issue is resolved! (And if I forget, remind me!) :slight_smile:

1 Like

I have the same problem with a Xenon. Can you let me know if it is solved


0001145953 [system] ERROR: Failed to load session data from persistent storage

seams to indicate tahat something is not stored correcly. This also seams an explanation why everything worked fine for month and now that I updated to 1.4.4 and made a new mesh network for the network is unstable.
Both my xenons connect correctly after a long time and then go off again. The Argon in the network is the bridge.

Ok seams that I was constantly scanning ble and this caused the mesh network to randomly fail. Logic if I thing of it now.

1 Like

My Argon got replaced as there was something wrong with the “factory” memory.