App can't scan Xenon Data Matrix

I just received my long awaited Particle Mesh order and am having issues right off the bat. After many hours of pounding my head against the wall I did manage to My Argon gateway setup and connected to the Particle cloud (cyan breathing) but now I can’t get the Particle app to scan in the data Matrix code on any of my 10 Xenons.

I’ve even tried this on both my android and iOS devices and nothing works, the android app simply doesn’t see the marker no matter how I change the light or focus and on iOS it alternates between not seeing the marker at all and claiming “This is not a xenon”. I don’t believe this is a camera issue as the same apps were easily able to scan my Argon’s data code.

Is there a way to manually key in the code contained in the marker? Is it possible that the stickers on my xenons are somehow incorrect from the factory ? Any help is greatly appreciated since as of now all my hardware is essentially DoA.

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Could you please scan the sticker for one of those xenons using apps like QR Reader, “QR Code Reader - QuickMark”, or similar? Copy and paste the output in a support request and we can validate the code and determine why the app won’t accept it.

It appears that some Xenon stickers are missing a digit. If anyone cannot get the Xenon sticker to scan but can get other stickers to scan, or get a “non a xenon” error:

  • If you have a data matrix/QR code reader, scanning the code is best.
  • Or take a clear picture of the code. It needs to be clear enough that we can scan the code off the picture.

Then submit the picture(s) or code(s) in a support request and we can generate an image of the corrected sticker. It will be returned by email, you can scan the image right off your computer screen using your phone during setup.


I’m in the same boat. I got my Aargon setup, but three of my four Xenons won’t scan. The fourth Xenon setup without issue, and joined the Argon network.

Update: I have opened a support request. I saw no way to include the photos, but when I got the auto-reply from Zendesk, I replied to it with the photos. I hope that’s the proper way to do it.

I got new QR codes from tech support in less than 12 hours, so that was a very nice turnaround. I got all four of my Xenon’s joined into the mesh network, but now I have the problem that others are having where they go from breathing cyan to fast-flashing green.

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Yeah, while the out of box experience has been frustrating due to scanning/green flashing problems, at least their support has been really good. They just updated the android app (iOS update coming soon I think) to work with the botched Xenon QR codes, I can verify that this now works with my xenons. They also apparently updated the device firmware to improve connectivity. I was previously unable to get my xenons to join at all, with all of them getting stuck at the last step. I will test this new firmware update (it’s literally downloading right now) and report back here

Ok, can confirm, this new firmware update seems to have fixed the issue, I now have my xenon connected to the cloud through an argon gateway. Hopefully it will be smoother sailing from here on out.

Much love to whatever poor dev had to work over the weekend to get this fixed.