After about 40 hours of hand-numbing drawing, clicking, importing… over and over and over… we finally have a Spark Core Fritzing part, complete with Breadboard, Schematic and PCB View!
Thanks @mohit! I used my tried and true CorelDRAW v12. One day I might get Illustrator, but I’m pretty efficient in CorelDRAW so I pretty much just stick with it.
I was finding it frustrating to quickly show an example of how to prototype something with the Spark Core
So now that we have this, it should be a great way to make a quick tutorial or schematic. I’d probably still use Eagle for real schematics and pcbs, but this has a nice charm to it for tutorials.
I mean if you compare the Fritzing schematic with the actual device (and logical diagram) you will see that RX label should be TX and TX should be RX. So the Fritzing schematic is to be corrected. (correct order is Vin, GND, TX, RX, A7… and not Vin, GND, RX, TX, A7… as currently drawn).
A small detail that may be confusing when connecting other devices.