Hackaday.io and project help

Wanted to point out to the community that hackaday now has a really cool project sharing site at hackaday.io . Signed up because of the hackaday space prize, and realized their projects site is actually really cool for project sharing, parts listing, build instructions and updates. If you haven’t all ready take a look!

You can see my project on there- http://hackaday.io/project/1386-Neotype%3A-Haptic-Interfacing

Had someone offer to help with pcb design the other day, and I’m also looking for help speeding up software development. There are more details in my latest update where I’m calling for project help.


I’ve just posted my entry into the Hack a Day prize as well. http://hackaday.io/project/1935-Wireless-Smarthome-Buttons-

I encourage everybody to check out the Hack a Day prize and post your projects. Check out http://hackaday.io

One of the primary judging criteria is that it is a connected project. All your projects have that covered using a SparkCore.

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Hackaday’s contest is awesome - grand prize is a trip to space! If you’re developing something awesome, definitely worth uploading it there. Would love to see one of your projects win, and we’ll do anything we can to help support Spark-powered projects :smile:

@inof8or and @mrOmatic these looks great!! And I agree that the Hack A Day Prize is awesome and we’d love to see as many entries as possible. Be sure to let us know if there’s anything we can help out on from the Spark team side!