Whose hand is on the home page?

Kind of a weird question, yes… but I’m curious about how you guys went about building a brand image!

Did you hire models? How casual was the photo shoot for the core on the blueprint page? And if you’re feeling brave, how much time/money did your logo cost?

Maybe that’s a bit personal, I’m not sure what business etiquette is… but I love the fact that we get to chat right with the core team on smaller companies :smile:

@emc2, I’m so glad you asked. We’re happy to share with you :smiley:

We didn’t hire any models. The hand is actually that of none other than @zach, our CEO and co-founder. The picture of him holding the Core was inspired by [this picture] (http://cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/spark-socket.jpeg), which was taken for Spark’s first Kickstarter campaign, the Spark Socket.

The shot of the Core against the blueprint page was intentional, but without much planning. As we were hand-building our first prototypes, we made it a habit to document the process with a DSLR camera, and this photo was taken in one such a session.

As far as the logo goes, I’m also fairly sure that it was a @zach creation. We’re fortunate to have a CEO with (we think) a great intuition for brand development, graphic layout, and presentation, and have never had to outsource our graphic or user interface design.


haha thanks @will! yes, the logo was my creation; I had an idea for it suddenly and threw it together in 10 minutes in Illustrator, and haven’t touched it since.

I wish we had more behind-the-scenes pictures from our photo shoots and video shoots, because they’re pretty funny. Usually we have a beautifully well-framed shot surrounded by piles of crap that are just off-frame. @will and @zachary, did either of you guys ever get any snapshots of the rig that Paul (our video guy) set up to do the opening scene of the KS video?


I don’t think I got any shots of it—if I did they died along with the phone I had in China. :smile:

Same here–I think any shots I had slipped into the digital ether, unfortunately. Paul might have some, though.