Unable to connect to photon wifi

I tried to flash my first firmware to my photon (just the blinking led example) and it flashed red then settled on red+blue at the same time. I set it to safemode and it is now blinking dark blue. I try to connect to it via wifi but the page is stuck on ‘Waiting for you to connect to your Photon’. Anyone seen this before or can help out? Thanks!

Have you got CLI installed?
If so, just use particle serial wifi to set the WiFi credentials via USB

If you haven’t got CLI you can still set the creds via USB with any Serial Terminal Program (e.g. PuTTY, CoolTerm, MiniCom, …) and send w to setup your WiFi.

I’ve had this happen on the last few photons that I purchased. You need to put the device in dfu mode, then do particle update, then reflash your firmware.