Unable to claim photon2

I’m teaching a class with a fleet of photon2 units and we are finding that two of them are unable to be re-allocated (likely for different reasons).

I'm going to focus on 1 of the 2 for now, but maybe learn something about the second in the process. Regarding the status: I’m not sure if the error msg attached means that the device is somehow damaged, but I don’t think so. It behaves normally, can connect to different wi-fi networks and even flash code, but I am unable to add it to my account. The person who previously claimed it to their account has unclaimed it. I gave it to one of my colleagues to troubleshoot. They tried claiming it, but then unclaimed it. The device should be free to claim but I am unable to do so in my particle console. I am including a screenshot for perusal.

I have tried [device doctor] as well as [device restore]. The latter seemed to get me closer to it being usable, but the claiming issue is holding things up.

The most likely cause is that the device was unclaimed from the old account, but is still part of a product.

The setup process at setup.particle.io both claims a device and adds it to the product, but if the device was left in that product, the new user won't be able to add it to their product because it's still a member of the old product, which they don't have access to.

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@Support thank you! I will check into these details.

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