Unable to Activate Boron LTE


I am reaching out with a device setup issue. I have been in the process of slowly reclaiming devices from another account and have successfully reclaimed 3 units. There were times where the particle app did not work, with constant “unable to find mesh device” or “SIM in use” errors, but I was able to activate them using the Web IDE or waiting a select time frame.

However, I have one unit that has persistent errors even though it has been unclaimed from the previous owner:

  1. “Unable to find mesh device” when using the particle app.
  2. “Unable to claim device” when using the Web IDE.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hey @dzmn - we would recommend against the app. Try out this setup tool: Device Setup | Tools | Particle.

If it doesn’t work, can you DM me and @Colleen the DeviceIDs?

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Setup tool worked like a charm. Thanks!


Hey @marekparticle quick question. Devices that have been reclaimed from both the setup tool and the original mentioned method (app/web ide)- they appear under “My Devices” but not under SIM Cards. Is this expected? I am not using a 3rd party SIM.

Can you DM me the device id?

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