Suggestion: 5 or 10-packs

I suggest that you sell 5 and/or 10-packs at a discounted price for us poor Core addicts out here. :smile:


@teke will be glad to speak about this.

They are at the Sprint planning meeting now so replies will be slow :smiley:

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I second this idea. It’s pretty addictive for sure!


Great idea @ChrisE , @Steph and I are chatting about it and variations. We’ll keep you posted!

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Ya so a 5-pack can be called the Fire Starter pack and the 10-pack can be called the Arson Pack :open_mouth:


I suggest for 10 Pack - Nuke Pack :smile:

I suggest to make pack only with Sparks without USB cable, proto board. I’ve already ordered more than 20 Spark Cores and I do have many cables and boards - what to do with them :stuck_out_tongue: ?


Donate them to a local Maker Space?


I agree. And pack them in a Spark Pez Dispenser (SPD)... so one could just pop one out when it is time to feed the addiction. :smile:


yup, makes sense, could probably save a buck per board at least, and maybe allow for simpler "bulk pack" packaging, which could really save money (and postage). you could even ship them without the headers soldered as a lot of ebay arduino cloners do to save space.

I like the idea of a core without the headers soldered in… im looking at taking mine out or chopping them right down to fit into a very small doorbell enclosure

I would also like to see headerless Cores! Has anyone successfully removed the headers?

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Yep, they come out very nicely. just remove the black strip with a small flat screwdriver… it just levers off. but be very gentle and work it up evenly. then you can desolder each pin 1 at a time. it took less time than the difference between our posts… because i had to find the iron and some cutters and a screwdriver


SO has this suggestion made any progress?
It’s a great experience opening the box for the first time but I’m addicted now.
I’m starting to run out of storage for all the breadboards and USB cables which come with the cores, not to mention all those beautiful cardboard boxes which go straight back in the recycling.
I need more Cores, less packaging, please.