[SOLVED] Photon Device claiming failure

  1. Connect the photon device to my computer via USB.

  2. The photon device LED blinks blue.

  3. Access the screen below.

  4. Connect to photon wifi. (Photon-XXXXXX).

  5. Enter the router ssid and password.

  6. Click Enter Device Name.

  7. Enter the device name and click Next.

  8. Problems occur as shown below.

  9. Please help me what to do.

※ Some of the photon devices are registered at one time and some are not.

Is your device reaching breathing cyan after a reset?
If so, there are multiple options to claim the device (Web IDE, CLI, mobile app, …).
I’m not going to describe all of them, but if you have a preference se might be able to assist.

Hello ~
After reset, LED of device is breathing cyan.
However, the device is not visible in web ide, cli.
I currently register up to 5, but I do not have the rest.

Thank you.

If it’s breathing cyan but doesn’t show up in your account you just haven’t claimed it.
But as I see you are using Web IDE and there you just use the ADD NEW DEVICE button and enter the device ID of your unit to claim it.
After that you can rename it.

To find the device id you can use CLI (particle identify) or any serial terminal program and send i to give you the ID.

I am using particle cli version 1.39.0.

When I run the “particle identify” command,
a “Your device id is undefined Unable to determine system firmware version” response occurs.

The error shown in the figure above occurs.

The device was operated in DFU mode.
(The LED on the device is blinking yellow.)

Thank you.

The LED on the device is blinking dark blue.

The “add new device” in the Web IDE says it can not find the device.

I finally claimed the device.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Connect the photon device to your computer using a USB to 5pin cable.

  2. Press the device’s Setup button to make the device’s LED blinking dark blue.

  3. Execute the “particle identify” command on the particle cli.
    (※ particle cli installation: https://docs.particle.io/tutorials/developer-tools/cli/)

  4. Check the device id in the particle cli.

  5. On the particle cli, execute the command “particle device add”.

  6. If the device is successfully added, check the Devices screen of the Web IDE.

  7. Change the name of the device.

Thank you so much for your help.


When I started again from the beginning, I proceeded as follows.

  1. Remove the photon device from the box.

  2. Connect my computer and photon device with USB to 5pin cable.
    (※ LED blinking dark blue)

  3. Execute the “particle identify” command on the particle cli.
    Your device id is 3f0022001147363335343834
    Your system firmware version is 0.5.5
    (※ LED blinking dark blue)

  4. Execute the “particle serial wifi” command on the particle cli.
    ? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
    ? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: ADDPac
    ? Security Type WPA2
    ? Wi-Fi Password password
    Done! Your device should now restart.
    (※ LED breathing cyan)

  5. On the particle cli, run the command “particle device add [device id]”.
    Claiming device 3f0022001147363335343834
    Successfully claimed device 3f0022001147363335343834
    (※ LED breathing cyan)

  6. Check the particle Web IDE device screen.

  7. Change the name of the device.

  8. Flash the Blink an LED in the sample app.

  9. After Flash succeeded, the flash was upgraded several times and the firmware was automatically upgraded.