I was not able to connect my photon via Android App so I decided to connect via CLI. I was able to do that using particle serial wifi. At the end it says “Done! Your device should now restart”.
After that I can see it breathing cyan. But It is not visible under devices both under the web and my Android app. What should I be doing now ? Shouldn’t it show on the Android and the web apps ?
Have you claimed the device? If not, put your device into listening mode, do particle serial identify to find out the device’s ID, and then do particle cloud claim DEVICE_ID.
Hi @nrobinson2000. As far as I know I have not connected the device to the cloud.
I tried particle serial identify, and got
Your device id is 34###########################
Your system firmware version is 0.4.9
Then I did : particle cloud claim 34#################### and got
Claiming device 34########################
Failed to claim device, server said: Device is not connected
I not am connected to the internet and it rapidly blink cyan (Connecting to the cloud).
Now I am doing : particle serial identify
and getting this error : ! serial: Serial timed out
It seems like it’s trying to connect to the cloud but not connecting[It has been rapidly blinking cyan for for than 10 minutes now].