I have a network that has more than one wifi router on it. This is because of distance and geometry of the house. I have a Uverse 2WIRE interface coming into the house on 192.168.1.x. It is hard-wired to an Apple Time Capsule (80 cable feet away in the basement), and an Apple Airport Extreme upstairs for range and improved connection speed providing better performance for laptops connecting to a hard-wired file server in the basement. The two Apple routers are on separate networks with NAT.
The wifi on the 2WIRE router is on channel 6, in b/g mode. I get permanent flashing green when connecting. I’ve tried the others (they’re supposed to be backwards b/g compatible), but I get permanent flashing green there also.
Awesome! Run this command: sudo npm install -g spark-cli
This will install the command line tool for Spark.
Also, you can install DFU using brew install dfu-util (I can’t remember)
Once done, place the core in DFU Mode (blinking yellow) and run this command spark flash --usb cc3000
The core will blink magenta and eventually revert to blinking yellow. Run this command spark flash --usb tinker and the core should eventually blink blue.
And I have it claimed and running. I’m so pumped!
Thank you so much. It seems like there’s so much to learn about this platform. I’m trying to understand it from the bottom up. Digging through the “getting started” docs isn’t enough for me – I keep feeling like I’ve forgotten something.