Shipping/tracking issues

Hi -

I received a shipment notification 7 days ago (on 12/27) with tracking info. I still haven’t received my core, and when I input the tracking number into , I get “No Information Found”.

I sent an email to, but no response yet.

Anyone else in a similar situation?

Hello @Atif
We will soon get back to you. @Steph is on it!

I’ve got the same problem. Would love to hear what to do in this situation.

Me too, but I’ll wait till next work day in Austria (January 7) - maybe with all the recent bank holidays postal service was a bit flaky.

I have the same problem too, shipping to the us east coast.

I got my Shipping notice on 27/12/2013 (or for you Americans, that’s 12/27/2013!)

It arrived today! (I’m in the UK).

Its breathing cyan but my Galaxy S3 app is saying “no Cores Found” so I’m hitting the forum search button as I write…


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Hey all - we have heard from many backers that tracking information is incomplete, but in all cases so far the packages have arrived without issue. So please be patient. Of course you are always welcome to email, and we respond to everything, but keep in mind that the more emails we get, the slower our response, and right now we’re dealing with a lot of emails along the lines of “my Core hasn’t arrived yet, what do I do?” where our response is currently “Please be patient, it’s on its way.”

Once it becomes evident that a package has been lost, we will of course work with you to make sure you get your rewards. However given that many countries and postal services provide incomplete information, and that — depending on what postal service was used and what country the rewards were shipped to — shipping could take as little as a week and as long as a month: please be patient!


Core now claimed. I can toggle the d7 blue led using Tinker app. Oh… the possibilities… brilliant!

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@Atif @mcknoche @ScruffR @richardhawthorn After finding a few POSTNL packages had “No tracking information” on available or just weren’t updating I got curious. Found my way to another POSTNL site ( and it turns out if you use the tracking number there you see all the info on your packages! Both springglobalmail and this new site are owned by POSTNL so I’m not sure what the disconnect is but glad I found it.

Long story short: Use your tracking # here: and select your country and it should have updated info for you

Are these being sent from the Netherlands, my tracking details seem to think so, I thought spark were based in the US?

The status of my order on that new site is “Definitief manco” which translates to “final defect”

I’ll keep waiting, but I though the above was strange.

Hi Richard, we’ve been given another site to track these packages on:

When using that site your package looks like it has arrived in the US. It’s becoming obvious that the Netherlands Post websites are not all linked up with the same tracking info which I’m really sorry about as it makes things extra confusing. We are based in the US, but there are a number of carriers that ship out of China (including Netherlands Post).

Thanks for the update Steph.
Yes, it looks my shipment has reached the US, I’ll keep checking that new tracking site for details. I appreciate the help!

@Steph i ordered spark core 12/11/2013. I got an email shipping will be January 2014. What is your plan ? when will be 2nd delivery?

@spark Shipping will be starting in the next couple of weeks and we’ll be sending out a full update to all pre-orderers shortly :smile:

Did everyone get their cores shipped with the awesome nlpost experience, or just the preorders? Are you considering any better logistics options for future orders? Still hoping to see an order shipped 12/27 arrive sometime soon.

@Csparrow Cores were shipped around the world using a variety of postal services. In the future, we will be shipping most packages from the U.S. rather than China, but this only makes sense once we’re not back-ordered, as it would have added to the timeline to get them to the U.S. in the first place from the manufacturer in China.

Shipping from China is still reasonable for countries like Belarus/Russia/Ukraine, but not with Swiss Post/China post. Hong Kong post or Singapore post are faster. Shipping from USA to these countries will be more expensive and not faster to deliver. Some sites like allow to select where from to ship - they have USA, Europe and China warehouses. This is probably best option I’ve seen.

@ryotsuke This is definitely something we’re working on getting set up. As we finish up this first big shipment by our company we’ve listened to a lot of the feedback and are working on changing some logistical things to consistently improve the ordering experience. :smile:

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If you are shipping pre-orders, does that mean all KS backers have shipped? I have not had email, tracking info or Spark. Did I fall through the cracks?

Don Parker

@ddparker Nope! We actually sent you a tracking email on Dec 19 but it must have gotten caught up in a spam blocker. I’ll shoot you a private message with tracking details!