Service Paused - Help required unpausing

Hi All,

My Service was paused on the 03/July/2024, because we hit a data limit. It was due to be unpaused for our next period which meant it should have been unpaused today on the 04/July/2024.

Is this Unpausing automated? What time will it happen? I need to get our device back online.

Thanks in advance.

Could a particle agent please reach out to me as soon as possible please? I need to get this sorted as soon as possible, we have customers who's devices are not working.


Not sure if you want to go down this path or not but I am pretty sure activating a “growth” plan is automated. The last time I submitted the form to go to growth it was active in I think 15 minutes. If you hit data limits already maybe going to growth is unavoidable in the future anyhow.

With the 4th of July Holiday I’m guessing it’s a skeleton crew at Particle the remainder of this week. Good luck!


Yeah we are absolutely going to be joining the growth plan, it's just a matter of now or next month. I actually submitted the growth form, doesn't seem to be automated as it's been 4 hours and the account is still paused.

EDIT: It has resolved now. Thanks


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