Hi Guys,
are there any resellers in Europe? Or is the only way to get a spark core through spark.io web shop and dealing with customs?
Hi Guys,
are there any resellers in Europe? Or is the only way to get a spark core through spark.io web shop and dealing with customs?
Hey @zapp0 - MCHobby in Belgium (ships to France as well!) has just started selling Spark stuff: http://shop.mchobby.be/54-sparkio
We’re working on getting some more distributors in Europe in general though. Any recommendations of your favorites are always appreciated!! cc: @vivek
There are also two resellers in Germany
http://www.exp-tech.de/ (some shields)
http://www.watterott.com/ (some shields)
My long time favourite Cool Components have them too:
oh yes! I forgot about Cool Components they’re great.
The resellers in Germany are probably sub-distributors of seeed studio
couple of more suggestions:
https://www.elfa.se - Covers most, if not all of europe
http://www.rs-components.com/ - Huge - Covers 32 countries
Yes coolcomponents ships aswell, but if you’re not located in UK, its too expensive
Both items include VAT and international shipping
41.77 EUR
51.14 EUR
Hi @Steph –
I live in Switzerland and buy stuff either here or from an excellent shop in the UK called Proto-Pic:
In Switzerland I buy from various people including:
BoxTec: http://shop.boxtec.ch/adafruit-cc3000-wifi-breakout-onboard-ceramic-antenna-p-41649.html
Play-Zone: http://www.play-zone.ch/en/adafruit-cc3000-wifi-breakout-with-ufl-connector.html
Of those two I prefer BoxTec, even though their site looks very 90s (sorry guys), they feel like real enthusiasts and carry a lot of stock. As you can see from the links above, all three (Proto-Pic, BoxTec and Play-Zone) already carry the Adafruit CC3000 breakout so the Spark Core would be a logical addition.
In Switzerland the Spark Core is actually already available directly from the Pi-Shop:
As their name suggests they specialize in Pi related stuff mainly - I bought my Pi from them (they seem to choose a far smaller array of items to sell than most stores). At CHF 55 (around US$56) their price seems a bit steep but Switzerland is a very expensive country for most everything!
Obviously the huge international shippers like Digikey, Mouser and Farnell would be good targets too. They all have international stores and warehouses that allow them to ship quickly anywhere at OKish shipping rates. While they tend to carry mainly big-name manufacturer stuff I see e.g. that RFduino managed to get Mouser to stock their products.
---- English Version (French Version under) ----
Hello to everyone,
Hi Stephanie,
I’m Dominique from MCHobby.be (MicroControleur Hobby).
We are please to sell the Spark Core at MCHobby ( http://shop.mchobby.be/54-sparkio ) for France and Belgium.
It is a wonderful/exciting material as well as an exciting projet for us. Spark did becomed our third large documentation project. What we discovered with Spark Core, Build, Spark Cloud, etc is simply awesome!
At MCHobby we are developping precise product sheets and lots of tutorials for our beloved material. So Spark Core did have its own French Wiki currently under stranslation. It already contains lot of materials and is maintained by MCHobby. Do you like your engagement in translation? Please, buy you Core at MCHobby to support our efforts
Please, visit our Spark Core wiki at
You can find many tutoriels at wiki.mchobby.be
Thank you Spark for that unique and wonderfull project. I’m getting lot of fun!
— French Version ----
Bonjour Ă tous,
Bonjour Stephanie,
Je suis Dominique de MCHobby.be (MicroControleur Hobby).
Nous sommes très heureux de proposer le Spark Core de stock chez MCHobby ( http://shop.mchobby.be/54-sparkio ) pour nos amis Français et Belges.
Spark, c’est un matériel absolument génial et excitant tout comme il représente un projet très excitant pour nous. Spark est devenu notre troisième grand projet de documentation. Ce que nous avons découvert avec Spark Core, Spark Build, Spark Cloud, etc est simplement incroyable!
Chez MCHobby nous réalisons des fiches produits détaillées ainsi que de nombreux tutoriels pour supporter ces produits que nous aimons.
En conséquence, Spark Core possède sa propre section sur notre Wiki Français (actuellement en cours de traduction, le travail est colossal).
Ce wiki, maintenu par MCHobby, contient déjà beaucoup d’informations. Si vous appréciez notre engagement dans ces travaux de traduction alors venez soutenir nos efforts en achetant vos produits chez MCHobby
Vous pouvez visiter notre Wiki Spark core ici:
Et vous pouvez trouvez de nombreux autres tutoriels sur wiki.mchobby.be
Merci Spark pour ce projet vraiment unique et génial. Je m’éclate vraiment!
Thanks @ghawkins! We are also looking for resellers in Sweden, Italy, and The Netherlands - anybody have any suggestions?
I live in the Netherlands, perhaps you could email the guys at conrad.nl @ business@conrad.nl . They sell loads of electronics, including arduino, so I think they might be interested.
What about european resellers of the Photon? It pains me to pay $25 for shipping something that’s $19…
I would just wait until Photon project goes live. I bet above mentioned resellers will be eager to catch up. Don’t forget there are just preorders available now.
When will the Photon project go live? What does that mean, exactly? Isn’t it “live” already?
According to the spark.io front page “Order now for shipment in May”
The first batch of Photons will be shipped in March, so although it’s been introduced, nobody has one yet. The second batch will, apparently, go to resellers as well, thus making them available locally. How many/when they’re getting to those resellers, I don’t know.
Hi, i’m Carlo from Italy, we are opening a little on-line shop for makers under the techmakers.io domain. We can candidate us to be a reseller in Italy.
Witch is the next action that i can do ?
Contact sales@spark.io or someone else ?
Thanks and ciao from Italy
I guess you can email sales@spark.io and take the discussion offline