Photon Setup - Particle Android app freezes while displaying "Connecting to Photon"

thank you @ScruffR

yes, I have nodejs 4.4.0. I followed your suggestion

npm update -g particle-cli
// connect via USB and put your Photon in DFU mode (yellow blinking)
particle update

but after particle update I get Error code: 1

C:\Dev\nodejs>particle update *
!!! There was an error trying execute DFU utilities.

!!! For help with installing DFU Utilities, please see:

!!! You may also find our community forums helpful:

> Error code: 1

after reading this

To use the local flash and key features you'll also need to install dfu-util, and openssl. They are freely available and open-source, and there are installers and binaries for most major platforms.

Do I have to install dfu_util and openssl first? Which means, I have to follow these steps Tutorial: Installing DFU-Driver on Windows [24 Feb 2015] or is there a newer tutorial?
