I was running a bunch of particle for a few days and noticed on of them was no longer sending data to Particle cloud. I am pretty sure the device in question was flashing fast blue. Since this condition lasted for a while I figured I would recycle the power which usually gets everything working again. After removing power, waiting, and powering up the device flashed red reset and has been flashing white ever since. The white flashing is quick and it seems D7 may be alternating with it.
I am unable to put the device in safe mode. When holding setup it will turn magenta, I release setup and it goes to flashing white again.
The device will go into DFU mode. I placed it in this mode and ran particle update, it was successful but didn’t change anything. Same issue continue.
The Photon was being powered by VIN at 5.14v though this issue happens using that supply or a USB connection from my MBP.
I have read through many of the other entires here with similar issues, but have not been able to correct this. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Plugged Photon into usb, put Photon in DSU mode holding down setup button until flashing yellow, ran particle update
Update was successful, the Photon restarted and continued with it’s white flashing.
Put photon back into DSU mode, ran particle flash --usb tinker. It was successful. The Photon restarted and continued with it’s white flashing.
Tried a different cable connected to a charging hub, different cable on same and another MBP, all with the same result, an immediate flashing white light.
I checked the voltage on the photon while plugged in to MPB’s USB. VIN at 4.8 and 3.3 at about that. It changes often as seems this condition is like some booting loop.