Let me introduce myself, I’m an Italian Engineers and DIY passionate found of electronics , controller and process automation especially in the food and beverage area
What I would like to share is a project that I’m running since a while… the basic idea comes form another project where I was engaged so far for home beer brewing automation.
With other beer and technology passionate in Italy we develop a full beer process control and automation based on Arduino Uno.
Since the resources of the most famous controller are very limited for the scope and I would like to add some new requirements I start investigating other MCU with more power and well supported and for many good reasons the choice has been Particle Photon
I start developing a complete new board adding graphical LCD, SD card for logging and recipe management, wifi and BT connectivity for web and smart-phone applications and lot of I/O to control any possible equipments (SSR, relay, pump, solenoid valve) and interface digital temperature probe as well analog NTC
the result is a very compact and powerful controller engineered in a DIN box 5U case with robust power supply and protections on all I/O as an industrial controller
the project has become so general purpose that I hope that other people are interested in the controller to develop their own application…with such a characteristics there is no limit to creativeness
Here below a list of main characteristics
MCU --> Particle Photon
Power --> 12v
Enclosure -->DIN box 5U
OneWire --> 3 input (DS18B20)
NTC --> 3 inputs (configurable)
Digital IN --> 4 0-12v bidirectional
Digital OUT --> 10 with opto isulated
WiFi --> Photon native
BlueThoot -->HC-05 module
Display --> TFT 2.2” or 1.8”
SD Card
RTC --> back up battery CR2016
Operation -->4 push button or one rotary encoder
LED --> 2 leds for operation + 2 Led for BT
The circuit is plit in two main boards, base board with docking for Photon, power supply , all I/O terminal block and driver.The top board support TFT display, LEDs, Buttons/encoder, BT module , battery holder and buzzer
All has been engineered in order to fit the DIN rail box and two boards are connected via 8+8 strip
At current stage I have completed circuit and PCB design and I have produce couple or prototypes to test, could be interesting for me understanding if someone is interested to such a device na maybe I can produce a mini-serie
I hope you find the project interesting and more than happy to understand what type of applications you can be developed