Particle IoT Application development

Hi there,

I’d like to share the project I’ve been developing with my company. I’ts a functional prototype based on Particle, it will be used in an application that monitors and controls a Waste Water Treatment plant remotely.

We integrated the solution using Ubidots and MQTT communication.
The Electron talks over Modbus RTU to a PLC and gets information and writes parameters to it.

We designed our own PCB and prototyped a few models before the commercial version. And here it is!

We hope to expand this product and already have interested investors on scaling up the whole thing.
It’s really been great to work with particle, hope we can keep it up with you guys in the future!


Thanks for sharing this! Keep us updated on it’s expansions! If you are looking at upscaling your production feel free to contact us here and one of my team members will be happy to work with you!


Sweet. How many units do you plan on using per plant?

Did you ever consider the Electron or is WiFi in all the places these need to go?

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For now we are aiming at using one unit per plant. if all goes well we’ll even use it as a standalone PLC solution (fingers crossed).

The board supports both the Electron and the Photon. We basically use the photon to develop and debug and then move on to the Electron which is what is installed in the final application.

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Thanks a lot! :wink:

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Hi @Felipe_Pardo.
Very interesting project.
Which library you use for Modbus RTU to a PLC, or have developed your own proprietary code?

I used this library, works like a charm.


Thank you :slight_smile:

I would be very interested to hear a follow up on how this product is working for you. We are interested in a similar device.

Hi Scott,
We have succesfully deployed online monitoring systems for water treatment plants, weather stations and othe industrial applications are on the way.

We have integrated our product with variuos PLCs and have deployed a very personalized web interface to adapt it to our needs.

Our website is, feel free to send us some details about what you are interested in and we’ll talk about it :wink: