I am newbie to the Photon and the programming game in general. I just soldered a good Photon to a custom PCB (unfortunately without a socket and upon applying power, the device flashes white and never gets past white). When I disconnect power and connect my USB, it will initialize for a 10 seconds or less and start breathing white again. Over time the white flashing starts to speed up. I did notice a proper initialization when I thoroughly scrubbed the board of all the flux residue but it only lasted for maybe 30 more seconds and back to white.
Here are some other relevant facts:
- I do not have anything connected to the RST pin.
- The D7 LED is very dim and flashes with the white light.
- The 5VDC source is regulated through the following voltage sources 115VAC -> 24VDC -> 12VDC -> 5VDC.
- I have noticed that when the 3V3 pin and the RST pin are displayed on an oscilloscope that they look identical. The pins are not shorted on the PCB. And none of the other inputs look like they have anything displayed abnormally on them.
According to the forums it sounds like the board is in a constant reset condition. Can anyone explain what may have caused this or what else I may need to check before I plug in another board? Any help would be much appreciated.