Photon 2 - unable to setup

I just received a Photon 2 and I'm having trouble setting it up. Going through the route eventually fails with "We weren't able to assign your device to the product, the problem occurred on our end. Please try again." Going through the Device Doctor and using the advanced option allows it to find and connect to the local network but then fails to connect to the cloud. Device Doctor log is below. Any help would be appreciated. I have previously used a photon with the cloud so I believe my account is ok.

0000002179 [hal] INFO: rltk_wlan_set_netif_info: 0, 94:94:4a:04:b5:6c
0000002041 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: DISABLED -> IFACE_DOWN
0000002451 [hal] INFO: WiFi on
0000002670 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: rltkOff
0000002917 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: promisc_deinit TODO
0000002971 [hal] INFO: WiFi off
0000003004 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: rltkOff done
0000003250 [hal] INFO: rltk_wlan_set_netif_info: 0, 94:94:4a:04:b5:6c
0000003522 [hal] INFO: WiFi on
0000007697 [app] INFO: Auto-connect disabled
0000009013 [app] INFO: wifiSelectAntenna 0
0000009122 [app] INFO: doing wifiScan
0000009163 [app] INFO: Doing Wi-fi scan
0000009426 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: netif_post_sleep_processing TODO
0000013393 [app] INFO: wiFiScan resultCount=7
0000098886 [app] INFO: setting credentials
0000099461 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_DOWN -> IFACE_REQUEST_UP
0000099539 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 state UP
0000099588 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_REQUEST_UP -> IFACE_UP
0000099665 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: Try to connect to ssid: XXXX
0000099730 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: is_promisc_enabled
0000099783 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000100031 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: netif_post_sleep_processing TODO
0000104584 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000104779 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000105005 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 link UP, profile=XXXX
0000105074 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_UP -> IFACE_LINK_UP
0107830 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000107897 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000107971 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
0000110599 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Sending HELLO message
0000180008 [comm.coap] ERROR: CoAP message timeout; ID: 1
0000180067 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 0
0000180134 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: Could not send HELLO message: 10
0000180405 [system] WARN: Internetld not send HELLO message: 10
0000257601 [system] WARN: Internet available, cloud not reachable
0000257668 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=-160
0000257979 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000258027 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000258481 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000258527 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$
0000258611 [system] WARN: Failed to load session data from persistent storage

Hi @senger -

Welcome to Particle forum!!

This seems like a matter for the support team, I am sure someone will be in touch soon. I have stumbled upon another user having trouble setting up Photon2, maybe there is something that can help you in this thread.

Regards, Friedl.

Hi @senger

I'm getting the same issue as you. I'm not new to Particle, but new to Photon2. The setup process has been simplified from before, however I'm also stuck trying to get the device on-boarded to the cloud.

Hey! In the Device Doctor Advanced Options there is now an option to select the Wi-Fi antenna (internal, external, or leave unchanged). This option is only present on the P2 and Photon 2. Swap it to internal and report back!

This looks like a network or firewall-related issue to me.

0000107897 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000107971 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=2
0000110599 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Sending HELLO message
0000180008 [comm.coap] ERROR: CoAP message timeout; ID: 1
0000180067 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 0
0000180134 [comm.protocol.handshake] ERROR: Could not send HELLO message: 10
0000180405 [system] WARN: Internetld not send HELLO message: 10
0000257601 [system] WARN: Internet available, cloud not reachable
0000257668 [system] WARN: Cloud handshake failed, code=-160

The device sends the CoAP hello message to the cloud, but does not get a response back. The most common causes for this are:

  • Firewall blocking outgoing UDP port 5683 or is not allowing the response back
  • A captive portal is intercepting the packets until network terms are accepted. The Photon 2 cannot be used on such a network.

See cloud services and firewalls for more information.

Thanks @marekparticle. When I tried the Device Doctor, which produced the log in my initial post, I had used the advanced options to set use of the pub chip antenna. The web page did show that it had connected to my local WiFi but stalled at connecting to your cloud.

Thanks @ricklas7 and @marekparticle.

I think I understand the two possibilities you describe but I don't think they apply.

I'm working from home with a WiFi router that I control connected to a cable modem. While the router has some firewall related things turned on I do not see anything that would block UDP port 5683 however I don't have access to a remote machine that I could use to verify this. I have in the last couple of months setup and used a photon for a project. Is the photon2 setup different in respect to using UDP?

I have now tried the second photon2 I received this week with the same results. The web process detects and updates the photon2 but then at step 3 when I select Personal Sandbox and a product created during the setup of the first photon2, which I can see in the Particle Console, it immediately returns the error "We weren't able to assign your device to the product, the problem occurred on our end. Please try again." The system says that I am the administrator/owner so I don't see how this is an auth problem.

I do not recall needing to create a "product" for the photon I've been using for the last couple of months. Is this also new to the photon2?

Thanks for the help.

Hi @senger -

Another user had a similar problem. Even though I cannot offer you a solution I can suggest a simple test. Set up WiFi Hotspot on your phone and connect to that as apposed to your WiFi. See if the setup completes.

If it does, it is a network related issue (which turned out to be the case with the other user). If it doesn;'t at least we know it is not a network issue.

Hope this sheds some light at least.


@friedl_1977 that is a good suggestion. I have just tried it and got the same result - "... not able to assign your device to the product ...".

Specifically, disconnected my Mac from the wired network, configured WiFi to go through my phone, verified that I was still logged into the Particle Console, got through steps 1 & 2 of the setup and step 3 produced the error.

Hi @senger -

This then seem to rule out a network issue unless of course you have a strict firewall/VPN on you phone as well.

I am sure support will be able ti assist.

Hi @senger -- I believe this should work now, mind giving it a quick check and confirming?

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@marekparticle - Thanks for following up. I happened to try setup again just minutes before the post last week announcing that the fix had been completed and found that things were working. Sorry, I should have completed this thread before now.


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