Particle Sim Replacement for an Electron

I am not sure if replacing the Sim is the answer for me.
The issue is I inherited a particle electron from a co-worker.
He has left the company and is unreachable. When he left the company, he gave me all his equipment including an Electron. I had it for months and now I wanted to use it and when I enter the Sim number I get " Sim card is registered by another user"
He started to use it by activating it, but stopped there.
What are my options?
Also are Sims specific to a device as well as a service provider?

You should create a support ticket and include in it the ICCID of the SIM card and the device ID of your Electron. It depends on the circumstances whether a SIM and Electron and can be released but this is likely a case where it can be done.

It is also possible to use a new Particle SIM card, or a third party SIM card as the SIM and device are not really connected.


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Hey Rick,
I appreciate the reply and I will give it a try. Unfortunately I keep going in circles looking for a support other than FAQs and general info,etc when it comes to the Sims account.
If you could provide a link closer to this support contact.
I assume its Sparkfun support that would handle the Sims account.
Thank you,

Just go to the support portal and create a new support ticket under “Do you have a different question?”

Include your device ID and ICCID and we can probably take care of everything.

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