Here’s a weird one. Everything was working just right, when all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, Particle.publish simply stopped working.
Some facts:
- Electron is breathing cyan.
- Able to read variable values via the console. (No functions defined.)
- Recompiled and reflashed user firmware.
- Updated system firmware.
- Ran particle keys doctor to get new set of keys.
- Tried with both NO_ACK and WAIT_ACK flags set.
- Loop doesn’t hang; after calling Particle.publish() execution continues.
- No console activity (no reset events; no reflash events; no published events).
- No webhook activity, although webhook test works fine.
- Reset, powered down, unplugged LiPo, full restart.
Nothing worked. I’m stumped. Any ideas appreciated! Cheers,
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The same here. Out of the sudden my electron stopped publishing events. I see nothing in Of course the same if I subscribe for events using curl.
According to this there was Particle server maintenance on 9th of May. In my opinion these somehow relates to the publishing problem.
I’ve had a similar problem recently - unsure if it is related.
It invovles the use of EEPROM commands, when I was doing a lot of read/wrties - I sense I stuffed up something in the EEPROM (not that the user storage area of the EEPROM should?? do anything to Particle.Publish).
See > Clearing EEPROM allowed me to use Particle Publish again - What the?
In my situation, I got it working again by clearing the EEPROM. However, nobody has responded to my thread yet - so it may not be the ‘real’ solution.
I wish there was a way to see also if a device has been blocked by the servers for too many publishes - that would allow ruling out any restrictions server side kicking in.
In my case none of mine 3 electrons is able to publish. On the other hand electrons register variables and functions correctly.
I don’t see any messages regarding devices coming online. Absolutely nothing. Maybe I hit the monthly limit of published messages? Does anybody know what are the symptoms of hitting this limit?
@leo3linbeck could you private message me your device ID and the eventName that you are trying to publish and I can check the logs. Or create a support ticket.
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Thanks to @rickkas7, I figured out the problem.
A few months ago, when we first began our test deployment, we created a Product on the console, and I added the requisite PRODUCT_ID macro in the firmware. We had some problems at the time, so I deleted the product, but kept the PRODUCT_ID macro. Happiness ensued for many weeks.
However, and maybe related to the update @gkujawsk mentions above, the Particle cloud system suddenly realized I had a device that was assigned to a product that didn’t exist, and it put my device in quarantine. When in quarantine, I was not allowed to communicate with others, presumably to keep my infection from spreading.
The good news that I was able to create a new product in the console, add my device to that product, update the PRODUCT_ID macro with the new product number, recompile, and reflash, and event publishing started working again.
Thanks so much to @rickkas7 for his help! Cheers,
It may be this! Exactly. I have a PRODUCT_ID. I experimented with a Product and then gave up the idea during the development. I will check this out. Thanks leo3linbeck!
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BINGO! You were right. Thanks a million times.
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