Hi All,
I have 2 Particle Electrons that I have been experimenting with. The devices consistently blink cyan indicating that they are connected to the cloud, and I am able to toggle LEDs or read sensor values over the cloud without issue. The particle console displays a recent last hand shake time and is also able to ping the Electrons.
However, I have been unable to get any form of data to appear in the console for either of the devices.
I have been attempting to use the “Make a Motion Detector: Publish and the Console” example from the Electron guide https://docs.particle.io/guide/getting-started/examples/electron/#make-a-motion-detector-publish-and-the-console.
The response from LED D7 indicates that the firmware has been uploaded to the device and is working.
Although LED D7 flashes when the beam is broken suggesting that the devices has recognized the broken light beam and run Particle.publish(), I am yet to see any data or events appear in the console at all?
I am fairly new to Particle so I am reluctant to blame the Particle backend, but I am stumped as to what else the problem could be.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I get an error message when trying to publish an event from the console:
The device is definitely connected to the cloud: