`particle library upload` includes .DS_Store (macOS)

Hello, I’m updating my library and upon uploading I have discovered that the upload process included macOS .DS_Store files. These are created automatically by the operating system and should be ignored. I removed these files from the local directory and re-“uploaded”, but they won’t disappear from Particle Build.

Do I need to create a new “version” just to get rid of them?

Any help is appreciated.

I was able to solve this (I missed some of the .DS_Store files in ./src). Though, .DS_Store should probably be ignored, much like .git is.

Paging @jvanier

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Had the same problem. I was able to manually delete from the file system and re-upload but that is only a temporary solution because the .DS_ files will come back next time I open those folders with Finder.

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