Particle Dev with multiple projects - what?

Sorry for the n00b question, but: I have multiple folders on my computer holding different Particle projects code. I’ve added the folders individually using ‘Add Project folder…’ in Particle Dev. Now, I want to work on one of the new projects… I can edit the files and everything looks good. I’m ready to compile. But when it comes time to compile and upload, Particle Dev apparently compiles the files in the first ‘Project’ in my list, not the Project that I’m working on. What? I’m missing something like ‘how to switch between Projects in Particle Dev’? Help?

Dev can only compile single directory and with multiple added to project it’s impossible to determine which one is supposed to be used. This is why the first one is picked. I would recommend to have separate Dev window opened for each project.

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Ah, ok, thanks. So ‘Open’ in a new window with only the project I’m working on listed in the ‘Projects’ column. OK, I see if I have a New Window and ‘open’, say, the .ino file for the project, then the Project as a whole (and only that project) is listed in the Projects column. Got it, I think.

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Seems like a ‘select Project’ functionality might be useful so we could manage everything from one window at once (what with all the library file copying back and forth that’s needed). But that’s just me… I guess.

Atom (the editor that Particle Dev is based on) is oriented toward having one project per window. That being said, you can open multiple projects by opening them in separate windows (using the Open... menu option). The Add Project Folder option is to add a folder to your currently open project. I don’t think it actually works the way you would expect, though, I think that functionality comes from Atom where the expectation is somewhat different. But I could be wrong.

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OK thanks for the explanation. I think I understand, and I’ve got a useable workflow now.
Thanks to both for your help.

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