Particle Dev not "Loading devices"

Downloaded the latest Particle Dev (1.7.4), starts up, recognizes me as logged in. Ask to select devices and hangs with “Loading devices…” Worked fine with the previous version (1.0.19) I used yesterday. I have a bunch of ‘devices’. Help?

Could you try logging out/in for good measure?

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first thing I tried :grinning:

Try opening up the dev console, click the “console” tab, and then try selecting devices. What do you see in the console tab?

Downloaded again and everything works fine.


Same issue here, just Loading Devices...

It’s unfortunate the only way to fix this is by re-downloading. Can confirm this works.

My system is Windows 10 64-bit. Just upgraded from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4.

I’m having the same problem. It was literally working an hour ago. I stepped away came back and now it doesn’t work.

What I did differently today:

  • I claimed a new device via the app.
  • I tried to edit a .ino project that was part of my github repository, but didn’t like how it looked so I exited the window… deciding to edit in a different folder then copy it over to my repository.

Going to uninstall and reinstall. Lame!

Sorry for the previous post: now it seems to be working no uninstalled necessary.

What I did, though not sure what worked:

  1. I did restart the program several times and restart my whole computer. (I’ve got a mac book pro Sierra 10.12.4).
  2. I was also trying to select a device that was not physically connected to my laptop.
    –so I connected it, that didn’t work. I tried using the CLI particle list and got nothing
  3. Plugged in two other photon (physically to my machine: usb), still loading devices...
  4. posted the above
  5. opened particle dev again after closing it and now it works

I have no idea what happened, but thankfully no reinstall for now!!!

Same issue for me today but I fixed it by logging out and then back in and that fixed it.

Figured I would post this for others.


Worked for me too. :slight_smile: Thanks.

Just got the same issue. Fixed by logging out and in again.