Alright everybody - it’s official: CPC is our new and very cool distributor in the UK! They launched with our products this morning for immediate shipping -
Thanks for the patience @binaryfrost @foggy @Julian @marc @bigjme
EDIT: Updated link
Alright everybody - it’s official: CPC is our new and very cool distributor in the UK! They launched with our products this morning for immediate shipping -
Thanks for the patience @binaryfrost @foggy @Julian @marc @bigjme
EDIT: Updated link
Hey @Steph, I just ordered two, lets see how quick they are. Thanks for the update.
Thank you too. I placed an order straight away.
Another Core
Shield - Shield
Relay Shield
typical i’m on holiday when they arrive in the uk!
@Julian CPC are crazy fast with their delivery, and its free
hmmm, isn’t the direct-from-spark-inc price $39 + $10 international shipping? that comes to £28.60 which is actually cheaper than CPC’s £28.78
actually isn’t international shipping free now the kickstarter is over, making it $39 = £22.77
Good to know about the delivery. I must admit that I am between two stools on this one. One the one hand I want to support the UK distributer and on the other hand I would assume that if I purchase the items I want direct then I will be putting a little more money into the “spark” project. The only difference to me is the delivery time.
yeah, similar boat here. i’d like to support CPC but i’d like to know how much it would cost from Spark directly, i’m not even sure they ship to the uk or if the $39 includes local taxes.
if direct from spark is 20% cheaper, i can wait for a couple of weeks postage!
We do ship to the UK directly though far slower than CPC. We love direct sales @Julian but are just as happy when we see our distributors sell out
If you’re importing goods to the UK, don’t forget there could be additional costs in the form of duty, VAT and handling fees. As an example, let’s assume you import a core costing £28 including P&P:
Import duty (typically 5-10%) assuming 7.5% = £30.10
VAT at 20% = £36.12
Royal Mail customs processing fee (£8) = £44.12
Does the CPC price really look that bad?
I should mention that not all goods liable for extra fees get detected.
Hi all,
Just a quick update. The cores have arrived. So it took 2 days. I think that is very good service.
That’s great news, @Julian! Thanks so much for the update. Enjoy.
One of the new cores is now running my Thermocouple set up.
Note to self - I need to stop prototyping and start finishing things!! GRRR!!! Lol
Having LOTS of fun though.
you shouldn’t pay import duty on goods under £135, and even then it may be waived if the duty is under £9.
if its marked as a gift and worth less than £36 you won’t pay duty or vat.
apparently postage is free so its £22 ($39) not £28 for a core.
realistically the only thing you may have to pay is 20% vat, which makes the direct price only about £1.50 cheaper than cpc per core.
Ha ha. I think that applies to 99.99% of the users on here.
I have currently 3 Spark projects on the go and I ordered 2 more cores already.
You’re quite right, no duty, but the VAT will still apply and so could that £8 Royal Mail handling fee.
I recently (2 months ago) purchased a core direct - I was charged the P&P but got away with not paying duty, VAT or handling fee.
Hey Steph,
Are you going to be pushing photons to CPC any time soon?
I want to buy some
Thank you very much.
i asked cpc on twitter and got a pretty vague answer of “hopefully soon” or something.
someone else in the uk is selling the kits but not the bare photon
just ordered one from cpc for £19.99 delivered!
Awesome!! So glad to hear that