New Photon, can't add device in web IDE

This might be considered an edge-case in which you add a device without reloading the IDE. Upon opening, the IDE requests a list of all devices, and then monitors those devices for changes. If you add a device while it’s opened, the IDE isn’t aware of that and as such won’t show the new device. And that’s where that refresh button comes in.

If this is what you like to call it, fair enough.
But if you want help of a well established group of people try to adopt their vocabulary instead :wink:


And that is exactly what I did. I generally just leave the IDE browser window open. Would it be much trouble to have the yellow "Add New Device" button automatically do a Refresh for you?

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When clicking ‘Add new device’, it adds the device to the list automatically, but under the ‘Other’ category. This is a small bug, I will fix it this week.

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Thank you!

Can you also have it refresh the list automatically so it knows whether or not you’ve already added the device before attempting to do so again :)?